Our (second)Rest day (Part 3)

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I woke up before Zeke did and went downstairs to make some tea. I stood with my back against the counter as the Keurig maker did its job. Looking around the house I noticed Zeke had no family pictures up. It was only a few paintings that looked like something out of a wilderness movie.

The tea had finally finished and I poured some and I decided to pour Zeke some as well. After getting our cups I carefully walked upstairs and noticed the balcony door was open. I smelled the scent of cigarettes and walked out to the balcony through the curtains.

Zeke was sitting cross legged on one of the chairs and I put his tea down on the table. He smiled up at me as he blew cigarette smoke up into the air, " Good morning." I smiled at how handsome he looked and nodded, " Morning Yeagar." He put his cigarette out and sat it down in the small pot on the table and outstretched one of his arms.

With that invitation, I sat down on his lap and he firmly wrapped his free arm around my waist. We simultaneously sipped our tea and I looked at the city below us. Marley. I was back in Marley. Looking down the balcony, my mind drifted back to when I saw the blood on the railing at the building I was with Erwin last. I was truly back in this wretched place.

And not with Erwin, but with the person that killed him.

The thought slithered across my mind and now I felt awkward being in Zeke's lap. My enemy's lap. Zeke took me out of my thoughts by asking, " You sleep well?" I looked at him with unfocused eyes and nodded, " Yes.." I felt like I was betraying Erwin. It just didn't feel right one bit.

I stood up and Zeke grabbed my hand, " Where you going?" I looked at him, " For a walk." Without saying anything else I went to grab shoes and I quickly walked out of the door. I didn't know where I was going but I just continued walking, which slowly turned into a run. I felt horrible about what I had did with Zeke last night. And on top of that I enjoyed it. Moaning his name, grabbing his hair, kissing his soft lips, I enjoyed every last moment with him. And I had forgotten all about Erwin in the process. Once again I had failed him. Just like I did when he died. We shouldn't have split up. I should've stayed right by his side and we could've both left that building. We-

" Levi!" I stoped running and turned around at my name and I froze. Zeke. He ran to me and stopped in front of me breathing hard. He put his hands on his knees and spoke tiredly, " I ..thought you said a walk... not a marathon!" Once he caught his breath he stood up straight and looked down at me. A worried expression spread across his face, " Are you okay?"

I didn't understand what he meant until he took his thumbs and wiped my eyes. What the hell was this liquid coming from me? I pushed his hands away, " I'm fine." He flinched at how harshly I pushed away his hands and stood there with the same annoying look, " You don't seem fine to me." I looked at the ground, " I don't have to explain myself to you Yeagar." I turned around and began walking away from him. I heard him follow and I groaned, " Can you leave me alone?"

He crossed his arms and caught up to me, " No I can't. You do know Dr. Dhaka is still roaming around somewhere and no one should be on their own right now. Especially not running at lightning speed in the neighborhood like a main character."

I rolled my eyes and he grabbed my arm causing me to stop walking, " Seriously Levi. Whatever is on your mind, I'm here to hear it. I've.. I've never seen you cry.. something must be bothering you." I looked at the ground and crossed my arms. He put his hands in his sweatpants pockets while he waited for me to say something. My voice came out softer than it's usual demanding tone, " I.. I can't do this with you." He narrowed his eyes, " Come again? I don't get what you mean.."

I spoke more clearly and stronger, " I can't do THIS with you.." He squinted his eyes and he looked at me in a "you're kidding me" face, " You mean.. our relationship?" I looked up at him, " Yes. I don't want to be in one with you." He stared back at me in disbelief and hurt and scoffed, " You're kidding right? You came onto me last night Levi!" He closed the distance between us and it made me back up, " Last night you told me this is what you wanted. You said I belonged to you and you belonged to me. So that was a lie?! Or was it just another one of your one night stand pick up lines?"

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