My (horny ass) partner

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Slamming me into the wall, I grunted at the impact. I looked up at him and gulped. What the hell was going on with this man?

He was breathing heavily, and he pressed his body up against me, " Seeing you all over her... it made me wonder how long I could control myself." I tilted my head and narrowed my eyes while attempting to push him off, " This doesn't look like brother behavior, Dean."

"Oh it's not. I'm tired of it. Not being able to touch you the way I want to pains me." I blushed at his words and kept pushing him in his chest, " Get off."
He quickly grabbed my hands and spun me around so that my back was turned to him. He pushed me against the wall. With my face pressed against the wall, I could feel the erection through his pants pressing up against my back and I moaned.

He whispered in my ear, " You're about to make me blow our cover Levi." With him pressing up against me I couldn't think. But I knew I was confused. I groaned, " Why the silent treatment if you're acting like this now?" He chuckled, his hot breath tingling my ear, " I went back to our room to get my wallet, and the house keeping lady was in there already. She was collecting our towels from the bathroom, and I wanted to be nice and give her the hamper with our dirty clothes..." I swallowed nervously, and he pressed his body against mine again, the cigar scent from his suit drifting into my nose.

"When I gave her our clothes, something fell out. Underwear... I thought it was mine, but it was a different brand. But also had the similar stains I had in mine."  My heart dropped, and I bit my lip. He knows.

" I knew it was weird that I woke up in my own liquid, but I was more surprised to see it in yours, considering you said you weren't into any hook ups.. And then it clicked. I was never with a woman. I was with you. But we didn't get that far considering I had on my clothes... All day it was all I could think about. I wanted to have you so bad, but I needed to wait because I knew you wouldn't be in any condition for this event tonight." As he spoke, he took one strong hand and brought it under my shirt caressing my abs.

"But when we get to the hotel.. I'm not holding back... I want to hear what your moans sound like when I'm sober. I want to feel your cock in my hands, my mouth, and I am dying to know what you feel like inside."

My heart raced at the words coming out of Zeke's mouth. I felt my length twitch at every word he spoke. I was breathing heavily from the tension, and he groaned, " Be lucky we're here.. if we were any where else I'd be railing your insides right now." He got off of me, and walked back inside the room, leaving me flustered and horny. I groaned and kicked the wall. How dare he do that in public. Once I had came to a controlled state, I walked back into the room and went to the table. Zeke and Pieck were standing at another table, talking to people of a higher authority.

Assyria wasn't at the table anymore, and was sitting next to the woman that asked her about dancing. Assyria had a hand on her thigh and was whispering in her ear. The woman was blushing like crazy, and I chuckled.

Yuki ended up coming to my table. He sat down where Zeke was sitting and smiled, " So, you enjoying yourself?" I nodded, " Yes the food has been amazing." He smiled, " You dance quite well. It took me by surprise." I rolled my eyes, " You're not the first person that's said that. Do I look like I can't dance?" Yuki chuckled, " Of course not sir. I just assumed you weren't the type to get up and attract attention to yourself."

I scoffed and ate my food. Yuki talked to me about his days as being a host, and told me about all the fights that had happened in the past. Time to time I would look at Zeke, who was purposely avoiding my gaze. I felt myself get aroused as I thought. It was that bad that he couldn't even look at me. I almost smirked realizing it was me that had control over him. After the night grew late, I slowly got nervous as I realized it was almost time to leave. But luckily, Yuki kept my attention the whole time. We talked about random things, even things Erwin and I used to talk about.

My Enemy (Levi x Zeke FF) Where stories live. Discover now