My (abused) partner

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Count Dracula stared at me in fear when he saw me. Him and Theodora backed up. Theodora's eyes widened, " You said he left after getting the serum Yuki!" Before Yuki could speak I butted in, " Obviously I didn't. Yuki.. I couldn't leave you to die.. but now I realize that you can't die. So works out for everyone hmm?"

Yuki looked at me with a hint of hope and turned to the man beside him, " Guess I do matter to someone." The man scoffed and I eyed Assyria, " What the hell is going on here?" She put her hands up in defeat, " I promise you.. I didn't mean for this to happen this way. I meant everything I told you back at the dinner Ackerman."

She pulled out her gun and aimed it towards her sister. Theodora scoffed, " You traitor!" Assyria shook her head, " You know what we're doing is wrong."

I began walking towards them and the man stepped back and laughed loudly, " You don't scare me Levi Ackerman! I'll have your guts spread all over this floor!" I stepped up towards him, " And I'll spread your guts all over the floor and make you choke on them." He and Theodora began backing up. Yuki finally stood up and crossed his arms, " Stand down! You're no match for the three of us."

Count Dracula pressed his back against the stage wall, " That maybe so.. but my goal to kill Levi Ackerman still stands." He aimed at me with the gun he grabbed from his back pocket and before he could shoot Yuki kicked the gun out of his hand.

It went flying in the air and I quickly grabbed my knife and pressed it against his throat. Assyria had her sister in a chokehold and Zeke appeared out of nowhere and grab the gun before it hit the floor.

Dracula looked at Zeke and his expression turned into more fear. He fell to the ground and pleaded, " Okay, okay you got me! Just don't let him hurt me!" I tilted my head & turned to Zeke and he had a dark look on his face. I never saw Zeke super pissed before, and it surprised me.

Zeke spoke in a low serious tone, " I knew I noticed you at the dinner." He held the gun towards the man's forehead and chuckled, " Karma's a bitch isn't it, Dr. Dhaka."

I stepped back not knowing if I should interfere. The look on Zeke's face meant that this man really hurt him. Theodora pleaded, " Please Zeke don't hurt him!" Zeke turned to Theodora and chuckled, " I should shoot you first." I was highly confused and I turned to Assyria. She didn't look frightened or scared. She looked content. Like she wanted this to happen.

I crossed my arms, " Can someone tell me what's going on here?" Zeke looked at me, " Gladly." He turned back to the man and put the gun up to his forehead, " When I first joined my agency.. these three were there. The agency was very small so it was just us and a few others. Once I had given the serum to Mr. Tybur, he wanted to destroy it as soon as possible but Dr. Dhaka wanted to investigate it. Tybur told him no, and destroyed the products anyways. Since I was a teenager at the time, i was still trustworthy to everyone.

Mr.Dhaka took advantage of this and asked me for my blood. Once he gained my blood he made another serum, and experimented on it. Tested it out on animals at first, and then gave it to Assyria. Assyria's body rejected it, and it made her sick.

So he asked for my blood again. Again, again, and again. The next thing I know, I was chained downstairs in Mr. Dhaka's basement and his girls did nothing to help me no matter how many times I asked them to get. me. out...

His experiments continued to make the girls sick.. and it frustrates him so much that he started beating me. Yea, I could regenerate.. but he basically put me through everything my father did to me before. But the agency finally found out what he was doing, and he and the girls escaped. We've been looking for them ever since. Once Mr.Dhaka finally completed the serum, it started spreading through out the world."

My Enemy (Levi x Zeke FF) Where stories live. Discover now