My Fault

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Author's Note: Heads up, this one's a pretty long one! (Fun fact: I wrote three completely different versions of this chapter and deleted all 30,000 words as I thought it was complete and utter trash lmao. But we've finally settled on a decent enough winner so hope you guys like it.)

P.S. As much as it pains me to say, this sequel's coming close to wrapping up :(( but we've still got a couple more chapters + an epilogue, so until then be sure to leave your thoughts/opinions in the comments! Love y'all, have a great day! <3


Jade's POV:

"If.. you come with me."

She blinks up at me, remaining silent for a solid ten seconds as I keep my face neutral with no sign of rebuttal to be found in my expressions whatsoever.

"U-Uhm.. I-I.." she stutters, still unable to snap out of her obvious shock upon hearing my request. It's understandable, I guess. For her to be so shocked. 

Yes, Vega and I were practically strangers less than 72 hours ago and now I want her to be with me when I face my mother and brother again after a year of avoiding them. And yes, I'm also aware of how stupendously crazy it sounds. To be asking her of all people to revisit the past with me. Not only revisit it, but to attempt to right things, even whilst knowing that it'll take a lot more than a single 'sorry' to gain their forgiveness.

And by the look on Vega's face, I can tell she's trying desperately hard to think of an excuse to avoid it. Possibly regretting asking me for an 'engagement present' in the first place.

But this isn't another one of my manipulative tactics to trap her into doing something she doesn't want to do. This isn't another one of my evil plans to make her uncomfortable as it must be one of the worst things on earth to have to face your ex's mother, who loved you and cared for you a great deal, after cheating on their child.

I know it's a huge, maybe even colossal, request. I know it'll affect her just as much; to have to face them. To have to reconcile with them.

I know exactly how awful of a position I'd be putting her in.

Most importantly.. I know she really doesn't want to have to go through all that excruciating pain again. The regret; seeing everyone she once loved.. now hate her. Guilt; knowing that she had it all at one point.. but ruined it. Single-handedly. And shame; because there's nothing worse than bowing your head down in pure shame for making an 'unforgivable' mistake.

Sounds cruel, right? I'm not stupid, nor am I oblivious to any of these facts. And neither is she. Hence the reason she's so incredibly anxious right now, begging me with nothing but her eyes for me to have mercy on her. To let her off the hook.

But I keep them stagnant.

If she wants me to reconcile with my family so bad.. then she'd do it. If not, then I guess that's that. Period.

I'm not forcing her into anything this time. If she doesn't wanna do it, then she doesn't have to. 'Cause I know that had it have been me in her situation.. I'd never, in a million years, willingly put myself through that. Nope. Never.

Why else do you think I went through so much hassle to make her come to Gran's? Buying tickets to TechFest for the entire cast and crew, shooting a crazy number of scenes in one day, early mornings and late nights of working in my office.. all just to get her to my grandmother's house and pose as my fake fiancée. 

It worked of course. Not the fake fiancée part itself but the part where I trick her into coming. A lot of my 'diabolical' plans involving Tori usually work.

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