More Than Just A Coincidence

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DISCLAIMER: I honestly have no clue on how things are run in the film industry, however, the majority of this book is literally about that (pretty stupid on my part ik lol) so although I spent the past week researching on how things are run in film companies to the best of my ability, I just wanted to let y'all know that it won't be 100% accurate so if you spot any mistakes about the process it's cuz I know nothing about the production process ahah.

P.S. This is kind of just a filler chapter so that you guys can understand which time setting we're at right now. (Time jumps are indicated in bold.) But there's still a lot of drama to come in future chapters so hang tight..

Song: Against All Odds


Jade's POV:

Present: (3-4 months after the trip)

For fuck's sake!!! Why the hell am I SUCH an idiot!?

God dammit Jade you peanut-brained, ass-licking IMBECILE!!

This just proves that my theory has been right all along! That life clearly has something against me since it wants to keep playing its cruel jokes on me.

Why am I so annoyed you may ask? Well.. Let me enlighten you with my stupid fucking issue right now!

Oh but where do I start? Hmm.. Let's see.. how about the part where I don't read my fucking contract and now I'm stuck with all this bullshit!!


Signing the contract:

"Hey Jade." I'm greeted by the table at the coffee shop by my agent, Diana, and I lift my head up with a single professional nod when she sits down in front of me.

"So the contract.." I start straight forwardly with absolutely no small talk whatsoever. I detest small talk.

"Oh come on, Jade. Why do you have to be so work-heavy all the time? You can take a break you know." She lightens up the atmosphere and I roll my eyes before taking a sip from my coffee.

"I just came back from a break." I bluntly reply, and she sighs before pulling out a bunch of papers from her suitcase.

"So before you sign, there's a couple of things you should know.." she starts in her business tone, and I put the cup back down to give her my full attention, clasping my hands together and resting them under my chin with my elbows perked on the table.

After going through the first few boring points of the contract such as deadlines, financial costs, the production team etc., I only grew more excited and inclined to sign this contract as soon as possible.

However, there's a lot to go through seeing as it's such a big company and they have a lot of measurements to take care of so everything goes well for everyone, but I swear I'm getting so sick of hearing Diana talk for hours on end.

".. and you'll be able to run your own auditions in the auditorium on the 15th, which gives us a good amount of time to contact agents of the act-"

"Ugh can I just sign it already? These points account for literally any contract with any film company, which I already know from reading through them!" I frustratedly say, rubbing my temples in frustration.

"Jade, I know it's long-"

"More like millennial." I cut in with a grunt and she sighs.

"..But this is a HUGE responsibility since it's your first movie with such a big company. I'm not trying to add any extra pressure on you J, but this kind of.. may affect.. your entire career." She nervously states, and my eyes widen.

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