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Jade's POV:

"That'll be $6.30 in total." The woman behind the till tells me as she focuses on her nails the entire time, making me roll my eyes. I take out a $10 bill from my purse and wait as she hands me my change before stuffing everything into the pockets of my leather jacket, walking out into the chilly air.

It's been a few days here in Florida, and it's not such a bad place now that I've actually stepped out of Beck's guest room.

I'm only here for three more days, and I've never wanted to go home more in my entire life.

All I know is that I won't be coming back here for a good while..

And if I ever do decide to come back..

It won't be the same person returning.

As I walk down the streets, I notice a guy my age smoking a cigarette beside a bench, so I walk up to him and tap his shoulder to get his attention.

"Hey, dyou have a lighter?" I ask, and he nods before handing it to me, and I light up the end of my cigarette that I just bought, inhaling the fumes and letting out a sigh as a cloud of smoke exhales my lips. (A/N: Please don't smoke btw guys. It's really bad for you.)

"Thanks." I mumble, handing him back his lighter before walking away in the opposite direction.

I've never really liked to smoke.

Tried it once when I was 16 in the basement of my dodgy friends' house.

And let me just say, it was one of the most horrid things I had ever done.

Like I seriously didn't understand the hype of smoking.

But now that years have passed, and I've got nothing else to fucking do.. I thought I'd give it another try and well.. it's not entirely too bad.

A lot better than sulking in a room that's for sure.

I guess I just want to be a total different person than who I was when I was dating.. her.

Coz if I don't change, then my heart will stay broken into a thousand pieces, and I'll be left feeling so vulnerable and UGH!

I can't stand people pitying me, and I can't stand depending on other people.

So that's why as soon as I leave for my flight, I'm never looking back and I'm gonna do bigger and better things. For me.


Tori's POV:

"Congrats Tori! The new album sounds amazing!" Gareth tells me with a huge smile on his face after listening to the track.

"Thanks." I politely smile, feeling both physically and emotionally drained from the last few days, and I'm pretty sure he spots my tiredness in an instant.

"Well since you've done plenty of hard work.. why don't you take a couple of days off." He proposes with a smile, and I raise an eyebrow.

Wait, really?

Oh my God, I could definitely use a break.

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