Kiss Me

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Song:- Kiss Me by Ed Sheeran


Tori's POV:

".. I just don't understand why it's such a big deal!!"

"It's a huge deal, Ryder! You could get killed doing that stunt!!" I shout back from my position on the other side of the bed as he pinches his nose in frustration.

"You know what!? I'm sick of you telling me what to do! It's my fucking career Tori!"

I angrily glare up at him, watching him flail his arms around in exasperation.

This seriously isn't the time for us to be arguing. With only less than an hour before we're attending the red carpet for his movie release. And seeing as I'm his date, I'm supposed to appear HAPPY with him. Not as if I'm annoyed that we're fighting over yet another pointless argument.

"God you're just... Ugh! You're unbelievable sometimes!!" I shout irritatedly, trying to sound just as loud as him. But my weaker voice clearly just isn't set out to be used in this way.

"I'M unbelievable!? Says the control freak!" He doesn't even hold back, and I shake my head in annoyance, feeling tears threaten to spill from my eyes.

God, I hate it when we fight.

Why the hell are we even fighting in the first place!? It's not like I asked him to quit his job! Excuse me for being worried that he'll get hurt if he jumps through a glass window from a helicopter! Especially since he has stunt doubles for the scene! Who actually have experience in that area..

"Whatever." I mutter more so to myself, before hastily grabbing my dress that I had picked out for the event which I no longer want to go to, and I faintly hear him grow even more frustrated at my attitude.

Well what the hell does he expect from me!? I can't even hold a conversation here!

"Where the hell are you going?" He follows me down the stairs as I trudge down without even turning around, ignoring both him, and the tears that are ready to run down my face.

I'm not usually so emotional. But being called a control freak when really you're just looking out for your boyfriend.. It's fucking shit! Plus it doesn't help that I'm due to be getting my period soon so my emotions will be all over the place this week..

"Hey! I'm talking to you." He aggressively grabs my wrist to turn me around, continuing to squeeze the hell out of it, and I only grow even more mad.

"Get. Your. Hand. Off." I grit through my teeth as my blood boils. And while he technically does do what I say, I gulp at what I assume is going to be yet another argument he'll bring up. Looking more infuriated than ever.

He's speaking.. But I don't hear the words that escape his mouth.

Instead, I focus on his terrifying eyes. Possessive. Scary. Pupils dilated so much that it's blood-curdling..

They're not the same eyes I fell for.. They're-


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