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Jade's POV:

2 days.

2 more days and I'm outta here.

I've never felt time go by more slowly this past week, but I'm just glad that I can go home and just.. forget about everything.

And when I say everything..

I mean everything that's ever happened between Vega and I.

The phone ringing in my pocket breaks me out of my thought bubble, and I scowl before taking it out to see that it's Cat.

"What do you want, Cat?" I answer upon greeting, not at all in the mood to talk about fluffy unicorns right now. It was bad enough that I had to endure that last night.

"Heyyy Jadeey, I was just calling to check in!" she shouts with her high pitched voice, making me jerk the phone away from my ear a little.


"I'm not in the mood, Cat." I simply say, taking the pack of cigarettes out of my pocket, and taking one out to light it, whilst resting the phone between my shoulder and my head.

"Aww why no-"

"Goodbye Cat." I cut her off rather harshly, before hanging up and smoking my cigarette.

Cat's been calling me quite a lot recently, saying she 'misses me talking to her'.. but I'm fully aware that she's only calling to check up on me.

I don't know know if Beck asked her to.. or if Cat's just psychic or something. But it's like she knows exactly when I'm in a grouchy mood.

So she calls to make sure that I don't do anything stupid.

However, what the both of them don't know, is the fact that I've started smoking.. and I'm gonna make sure it stays that way.

Coz I'll never live it down if they find out.

I breathe in the mixture of air and cigarette smoke, relaxing on this park bench as I look into the far far distance, at children running around and chasing each other with water guns, laughing away in their own little worlds.

It's funny how different a child's mind can be compared to an adult's.

Now I'm not talking about intelligence, IQ or any of that shit.

I'm more so talking about how they view life.

To them.. life's not all about how you act or look, in another's eyes.

They probably don't care if you're slightly different to them.

All they really care about is spraying each other with water guns as of right now.

And it's evidently clear to see that they're enjoying themselves, as the huge grins are practically attached to their tiny faces.

It's like they don't have a care in the world for all of the negativeness that surrounds them..

That happens in this cruel ass world.

Coz they're just being themselves.. and having fun.

And that's something that I think everyone struggles to maintain. So it's nice to see children do so..

I don't even realise that I had a smile on my face until I had to physically remove it.

I'm not supposed to like children..


This is all her fault!!

I hate her for making me have a heart!

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