Only a Memory

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Tori's POV:

"Ready to go, Tori?" Andre calls from downstairs as I'm putting the last finishing touches to my make-up, in my room, while he gets ready down in the living room.

Today's the first day of Beck and Kelly's engagement party. I say first day, coz Beck actually wanted to spend more time with all of his close friends, so he planned a whole four days of great fun for all of us, seeing as we're only ever gonna get busier as time goes on, and this might be the only time we'll all be together for more than a day or two. I'm super excited to say the least. Despite the small amount of tension that's going on between some of us, I'm just hoping these four days is a great way to get away from work and stress, and just everything in general.

"Coming!" I shout back down at Andre when I finish applying my red lipstick. Taking one last satisfied glance at myself in the mirror, I step back and smile contentedly.

Today's plan is simply for us all to get together and reconcile in a night club. It's not much compared to the following days, but I guess he just wanted for us to sit down and chat. 

Besides, I cannot wait to get shots and dance the night away alongside my friends who I haven't seen in so long. Thank God I managed to convince my agents to give me a week off for this. I don't even remember the last time I had a freaking burger, just because I've always had to follow strict diets and workout plans for photoshoots and album covers.

As I said, my career's really been taking off recently so it was unlikely that I'd receive a break, especially when my schedule is at its busiest. But after a lot of begging and pouting with my agents and producers, I convinced them to let me roam free for a while. So long as I don't do anything.. well, stupid.

I decided on wearing a tight sparkly silver dress that stops a few inches above my knees, along with a belt and a cute little necklace to accessorize along with it. I didn't go over the top with my makeup, and I decided on loosely curling my hair at the ends.

That surprisingly took a shorter amount of time than I thought..

Finally, to top it all of, I grab my matching silver purse and quickly grab a pair of heels before making my way downstairs. As I turn the staircase, I see André leaning against the wall in the kitchen, focused down on the phone in his hands, but as soon as he lifts his head to look at me, his jaw drops.

"Woah.." is all that seems to escape his mouth, and I grin, stepping down from the final step.

"So I take it that I look good then.." I chuckle, and he still can't seem to say a proper word.

"Mhm hmm..." he hums, looking me up and down, and I laugh, playfully nudging him with my elbow, before putting my heels on, using his shoulder as support so that I don't fall.

"Ready to go?" I say, once I have them on, and he nods before following behind me as I lock up.

It's party time!


We make it to the night club quickly enough since it's not too far from where I live, and so I text Beck that we're here. He texts back almost immediately saying that he'll be out at the entrance in a sec, and so we get out of the car, waiting by the front of the building as we laugh about in our conversations until..

"Tori! Andre!" We don't even properly turn around before we're being pulled into a hug. 

I grin as he gives Andre one of their 'bro hugs', before squeezing me into a hug as well, telling us how long it's been since all of us hung out.

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