Panic Breaks Out

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Jade's POV:

After rummaging through my packed suitcase, I change my clothes into a black long sleeve along with a skirt and tights underneath, and I retouch my smudged make up really quickly, sighing when I see myself in the bathroom mirror.

Once I feel ready, I quietly open the door and head downstairs, walking into the living room to see Beck and Kelly watching TV on the couch.

"Hey guys.." I greet, and both of them turn their heads to look at me with smiles on their faces, yet shocked eyes.

"Jade.. You're out of your room?" He asks, getting up, and I nod with a fake smile, acting all 'cheery'.

"Of course I am.. Oh Kelly hi! I never got to properly meet you before. Jade West." I say, stretching out my hand to which she takes with an extremely confused look on her face.

"Uhm hi Jade, it's a.. pleasure to meet you.." She hesitates while shaking my hand, trying her best to sound polite but it's obvious she's kinda spooked based off my sudden happy mood.

"Jade you uh.. feeling okay?" Beck asks carefully, and I turn around to him with a grin on my face, making him even more scared than before.

Jeez, I didn't know I was even scarier when I smiled..

"Yup, just going out for a bit." I say chirpily, and he raises an eyebrow.

I'm about to walk past him to the front door, but he quickly regains his composure and runs behind me.

"Uh Jade, are you sure you wanna go out?" He calls for me once I step out onto the porch, but I don't even turn around when I shout yes back at him as happily as I could be.

God, that was hard.

Well at least now that I'm out in the open, where should I head to first?


Beck's POV:

"Heyy Beck! Oh my God, it's been soooo long! How are you keeping? Ooo how's Florida treating you? Do you still have that moustache? Coz last time I saw it, I thought it was a squirrel living on your upper lip.. And then I was really confused coz I started to wonder how you were feeding it-"

"Cat, I need to talk to you bout something important." I cut her off, and she goes quiet in an instance.

"I'm listening." She says, except this time her tone is much lower and more serious than her regular high pitched voice.

"It's about Jade." I say, knowing I need more help with this situation.. coz I'm seriously starting to get worried about her.

"What about Jade?" Cat asks, and I explain the entire story, well whatever Jade told me yesterday, and then I tell her about the sudden mood change today.

Everyone thinks Cat's a.. well, let's just say not that smart.. But she also happens to be Jade's best friend.. And if anyone can help her right now. It's Cat Valentine.

"Okay. I'll call her and try figure out what's going on." She says, and I smile.

"Thanks Cat. Appreciate it." I say, before hanging up and letting out a heavy sigh.

I really hope Jade's okay..

There's nothing worse than to watch people you care about get hurt..

Guess it's up to Cat now.


Jade's POV:

"Hit me again." I slur to the bartender who passes me yet another shot with a chuckle.

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