Fears and Pacts

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Tori's POV:

I'm trying. I swear I'm trying really hard not to get jealous but it's getting pretty impossible to do at this point, watching that stupid brunette, who's name's apparently Skylar, rub all over my freaking girlf-


Y-Yeah.. ex..

I'm currently trying to drink away all of my problems at the bar, ordering shot after shot, but it's not exactly doing a great job since my line of sight just never leave the two who are sexily dancing with each other in the middle of the dance floor.

I observe every detail of the pair. The way Jade's hands trail down Skylar's slim body in that tight sparkly dress that shows off her long, tan legs. The way she looks at her as if she's about to devour her right now as they simultaneously grind against each other to the beat of the song.

I'm not even being secretive about the gawking anymore, which makes me seem like a complete creep I know, but I can't help it.

Who does this girl think she is!? Sliding her hand up Jade's bare thigh through the slit in her dress, so fucking close to her.. coochie..

Damn, I really haven't had sex in so long if that's how nervous I got over the word alone.

I scoff when I see her slip her tongue into Jade's mouth, messing up her beautiful locks as they make out passionately like no one's around.

Well okay then, why don't they just fuck in front of everyone while they're at it!!

But despite how much I hate that Skylar's the one opposite Jade, and as much as I DON'T want to admit it.. Jade does look really happy right now. Sort of.

I feel like throwing up. And it sure as hell ain't because of the alcohol.

"Hey Tor-"

"What!?" I turn around angrily, not meaning to yell at my best friend. I'm just super agitated right now. Andre shoots his eyebrows up, and I groan.

"I'm sorry, I'm just-"

"A little ticked off from staring at Jade all night?" He finishes for me, and I scowl at him.

"I wasn't staring at her all night.." I try defending myself, but he gives me a knowing look and so I roll my eyes because I know he's right. I have been staring at her all night. Well ever since she got here.

It's so stupid of me to even feel like this. I should be happy for her, right? She's found someone that treats her well and gives her the attention she deserves. Someone who's everything that I wasn't..

But then again, I wouldn't know that for sure since I hadn't even talked to the girl that's been clutching by Jade's side no matter where they go. Not that I'd really want to get acquainted with her much anyways. No offense to her.

Although, ever since Jade stormed off from me, there's been this continuous nagging in the back of my brain. Constantly trying to persuade me into talking to her, despite how stupidly unrealistic it seems. But not even to talk about us.. I just wanna see how bad the situation is.

If it's not too bad and she's just a bit agitated here and there, I'd leave her alone. Coz that's a pretty natural reaction to have.. especially with me. But if it's.. what Cat described it to be.. I think I'd be able to tell whether she's in a 'red zone' or not. But I pray it isn't that bad. Coz even though it's all my fault.. I've never been so nervous to talk to Jade before in my entire life.

"Have you tried talking to her yet?" Andre asks, reminding me that he's still here and I snap out of my thoughts.

"No. I'd love to try but she's always being surrounded by Skylar." I spit out in a bitter voice, glaring at the two of them again as they push against each other, laughing away at something, that can faintly be heard from this distance.

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