Who I Am

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Author's Note: Yayyy my exams are over so I'm back to writing! I've seriously missed it XD.

Song: Keep Holding On by Avril Lavigne.


Jade's POV:

(At the halfway party)

".. yep. We'll get right on it as soon as-" I'm cut off by my phone ringing, and I hold up an index finger to the actors before politely excusing myself to answer the ringing device as I walk off in the direction of the staircase where the music isn't blaring so loud.

After pressing the answer button and bringing the phone up to my ear, I wait for a moment until I hear a very familiar voice. One that I could spot any time anywhere. And my jaw drops as my breath hitches..

"Jade? Is this Jade West?"

Tears immediately start to sting at my eyes and I try my best to keep silent despite being in complete shock upon hearing the fragile voice belonging to my grandmother.


I shut my eyes tight, unsure whether I should respond or let her hang up seeing as that's what I always did whenever Crystal used to call me after I'd moved out. How she kept getting my number, I'll never know. But point is, I never let the conversation go past a simple "hello", as I usually either hung up immediately, or let her hang up on her own after pretending to be someone else.

"Gran?" My voice is small. Almost vulnerable sounding as if I'm scared someone will hear me. And as soon as I respond I feel a single tear roll down my cheek upon the foreign feeling of missing her, and everyone, like crazy.

But I discard of that feeling and that tear immediately. I don't have time for this. Not when I'm tackling this movie.

"Oh Jade.." I can imagine the sadness yet also the huge grin that would probably be displayed across her face when she hears my voice, and I think that's exactly why I don't hang up then and there.

"How are you, dear?" She asks in her croaky sincere tone like always, and I sigh before deciding to reply seeing as I'm not so inclined to aggressively shut her out too like every other family member I've treated so far.

"I'm fine, Gran." I say in my strict business tone, expecting a thousand questions to be thrown at me after replying.. but instead I'm met with something entirely different to what I'd expected.

"I saw you on the news today, sweetheart... congratulations."

I instantly smile at the genuine words coming from her cracked voice. It just goes to show.. a LOTTA people have congratulated me today.. but nobody would ever be able to get this reaction out of me, unless they're someone like Gran. Someone I love dearly.

"Thanks Gran.." It's the first time I don't grow mad at myself for my voice coming off as a mere whisper. And it's also the first time I allow myself to smile so widely even though I generally refuse to let people in like this.

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