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Song: Caught Up in You - Victoria Justice.


Tori's POV:


"Hey Tor.. I haven't heard from you in a while and.. I dunno, I just miss you. Call me back when you get this, kay?"

A single tear rolls down my face when I hear her voice.

I know I shouldn't be doing this to her. I shouldn't be leading her on like this. She deserves so much better..

So why the fuck can't I just call her back!?

The bed shifts beside me, and a strong arm clutches onto my waist.

"You okay, babe?" Ryder groggily asks along with a kiss to my back and I suddenly feel an urge to throw up..

"It was Jade." I simply say, and his hold on me tightens a bit, tensing up at the mention of her name.

I sigh, turning around to face him to see that a look of deep thought crosses his face, and he doesn't even look up at me while I anxiously gaze at him.

"You're gonna go back to her, huh?" He asks, except it's not so much a questioning tone and more of a realisation one.

He continues to rub my waist absentmindedly, lifting my shirt slightly to gain access to my skin, making me flutter at the touch of his warm hand.

He looks so.. heartbroken. So defeated.

I never meant for things to turn out this way.

It's bad enough that I've to try and stay alive after telling Jade.. but now I'm gonna lose my best friend after this! The guy who's done so much for me since moving here. Been there for me. Cared for me. Made me feel like.. like I could conquer anything in this world.. and I don't know if I wanna let that go..

I place my hand on his cheek softly, causing his eyes to flutter up at mine, and I try giving him a small smile to make him look less.. sad. But it doesn't do much as he exhales deeply before getting up, making me frown.

"You're leaving?" I ask, sitting up on the bed and watching him put his shoes back on.

"What exactly is this, Tori?" He asks in frustration, motioning between us. My head drops so that I'm playing with the hem of my pillow, avoiding his question with a shrug. Truth is, I've been asking myself the same thing for a while now. And I'd almost always end up purposely busying myself to avoid that thought. But I know I have to face it at some point. As much as I wish I didn't.

"Maybe it's time you make a decision, Tor.."

A decision.

How easy it sounds when it comes out of one's lips. But just the thought of letting either of them go makes me sick to my stomach.

On one hand, Jade's been the best girlfriend I could ever ask for. But the only thing that's in the way between us right now.. is distance. And as much as I want to focus on the positive.. I don't know how much longer our relationship will stand with us being so far apart from each other.

I thought I'd be able to move back to L.A once I'd stayed here for a couple of years until my career boomed.. but now that it sort of has.. I don't really want to go back. I kind of found a new love for this place. And I'm not too sure if I want to let any of that go just yet. There's still so much I haven't seen yet, so many opportunities that're just waiting around to be taken.. so with Jade living in L.A and me living here.. who knows what the future has in stake for our relationship?

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