My Star

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Tori's POV:

"So who won?" I break away from my thoughts and turn my head to see both Kelly and Skylar approaching us with a bunch of drinks in their hands. And then everyone's shouting over each other again as they still dispute over the stupid point. 

However, I couldn't care less about it. The only thing I care about, is trying to understand what the hell was going on in that mind of hers that prompted her to grab my hand. She had to have known that she'd lose the game if she did it. So why? 

Why did she have a look of pure conflict written all over her face when I removed my blindfold? Why did she seem so much angrier than usual?

But for once, I could tell that her anger wasn't portrayed on me. Well, it sort of was.. But it was more so on herself.. and that's what confuses me the most.

"Where's Jade?"

I raise an eyebrow when I see Skylar walking towards me, coming from the direction of their tent as Kelly tries to get everyone to shut up from their heated argument. It's only Beck and Andre though since Cat dragged Robbie down to the lake to show him her mud pie that she had made earlier..

"I thought she was with you?" I furrow my eyebrows, and she does the same before jogging down the other side of the hill towards the lake in search of her girlfriend.

I roll my eyes as soon as she leaves. Like Jade would ever go to a place where other campers would be close by..

"Guys calm down! Let's just call off this stupid bet!" Kelly shouts over the two.

"No way! We clearly won." Beck defends.

I focus my attention back to the lake and see Skylar walking around as she looks for Jade, but judging by the lost look on her face, she's nowhere to be found and even I start to get a bit worried. There's like barely any signal here so even if she did have her phone with her which I doubt, she wouldn't be able to reach us. What if she's lost? What if she's in trouble?

Jesus calm the fuck down. She's your ex girlfriend, not your child.

Yes but that doesn't mean I shouldn't worry about her. Maybe she is perfectly fine.. at least my mind would be at ease knowing that.

So with that thought in my mind, I slyly slip away from the feuding pair, not even bothering to inform the others as they already seem preoccupied with their bet. However I'm smart enough to grab my phone first juust in case I magically get reception somewhere.

Since Skylar's already searching down the hill where the dock is, I take a second to try and imagine what I would do if I was in Jade's place. Where I would go..

She's obviously gone out to think.. and that means she'd NEVER go to a place where she knows other people would be at. So the only two places that are really completely isolated in this campground; are the woods, or the parking lot at the other side of the hill. Neither sounding too appealing to start searching for her on my own at this time when I know that I'll most likely get lost. Or fall at least a couple of times.

I take a look at the scary-looking woods, grimacing. I am NOT going in there unless I have to.. so I might as well go down to the RV first and then check the woods if she's not there. Besides, I could always just grab Andre to tag along with me so that I'm not completely alone. Something about those woods just irk me.

"Jaade?" I call nervously as I cautiously descend the rocky hill, tripping over a stick momentarily but managing to catch myself before I fall..

Phew. That was a close one..

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