Old Friends

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Author's Note: Heyy! I know it's been a while so first off I just wanted to say a HUGE thanks to your support guys. Although I'm not 100% back to being in a clear mindset (especially now with school and stress building up) I'm super thankful for all of the postiveness y'all have shown. It really means a lot to me so thank you. <3


Tori's POV:

"Tori! Tori, when's your next album coming out?"

"Is it true that you're now dating Rising Pop sensation, Izzy Smith?"

"Going somewhere fancy tonight?"

I politely dodge my way past the paparazzi who've been following me for the past minute now, and ugh they just won't leave me the hell alone.


I whip my head around at the sound of the familiar high voice coming from behind me, and let out a huge sigh in relief when I see that it's Izzy, jogging up to me in her heels as she waves at me with a smile.

"Iz thank God.." I mumble when she crashes into me for a hug and I try not to let it bother me when the intensity of the flashing cameras increase to start up yet another rumor that we're dating.

You just can't have friends in this industry, huh?

"Damnnnn. You look stunning babe!" Izzy smirks when she looks me up and down after pulling away from our hug, and my eyes widen as I glare at her for purposely feeding into their rumors. However before I can smack her shoulder, she links arms with me and starts walking off and I'm forced to follow along, hearing a couple of wolf whistles behind me as we enter the doors of the film studio for the halfway party being held tonight.

I snatch my hand away to repeatedly slap her shoulder, revealed in her silver dress, and she laughs so hard that tears start to form in her eyes whilst I cross my arms over my chest with an undeniable smile on my face that I'm so desperately trying to hide.

Her laugh is contagious. It's not my fault.

"Aw come on, it's not like I was lying!" She jokingly nudges my ribs, and I playfully roll my eyes before we hear our names being called over by Dex and Isaac sitting by one of the tables at the far end of the reception.

"Well hello ladies." Isaac smirks when he looks the both of us from head to toe with a wink and a smirk, and I chuckle.

"Isaac you're like six years old!" Izzy laughs beside me, and I join in. Although Isaac is the tallest out of the three of us, we sure do love teasing him about his age. He's not even that young. Just a year younger than myself. But he hates knowing that he's the 'baby' of our group, as we like to refer to him as.

"Shut up Isabella!" He says in a 'mad' tone, but it's all just playful banter between the two.

"You wanna go Little Stuart?"

"Ohh kay, how about we gets some drinks, Iz?" I grab her arm to drag her away from quite literally grabbing Isaac in a headlock and start giving him noogies here in front of everyone, 'cause although that sounds like it would definitely happen and be HILARIOUS.. I doubt it's the most professional thing to be doing at a party filled with executives and agents in the room.

"You're such a mom sometimes." She laughs and I shrug as we walk towards the punch bowl to pour ourselves a drink before turning around to take a look at the beautiful reception being lit up with hundreds of fairy lights and fancy decorations.

Clearly this halfway party thing is a big deal here so I'm not surprised they went all out when organizing it. I didn't think it was even possible for the reception to look even bigger than it already is, but now looking at it with all of the furniture pushed back to make room for the dance floor, and all the equipment stored away, it looks like a freaking ball room. They've even got a mini bar set up to the side, but I promised myself I won't be drinking tonight since I've got a long day tomorrow so I need as much rest as I can get.

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