♔︎ Prologue ♔︎

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It was Halloween, 2008, thirteen years ago. I was 5 years old and dressed up as a Princess, like literally every other girls in the neighbourhood. We happily walked around the neighbourhood, giggling together and roleplaying. We raced each other to the next house, had a little competition like who has the most candies at the end of the day, trading other candies for our favourite ones. There would be childish fights here and there but it would never end up being too serious. We would play different types of games all together, laugh and cry at little things. Those were good times.

We were playing hide and seek when I met that man, who was dressing awfully dark and strange. I was searching for a place to hide when I bumped onto him. "Sorry." "Are you playing with your friends?" "Hide and seek, yes." I sheepishly smiled as I looked up at him. He slightly smiled by seeing my innocent actions. "You're a Princess, so I guess I should bow down to you." He bowed politely, making me giggle. "What are you?" He stood up straight and pointed at himself. "Me?" I nodded curiously. "I'm a vampire." He smiled, his white fangs slightly visible.

I gasped in surprise. "That's so cool. Is that real?" I pointed at his canine, to which he just chuckled and crouched down to level my height. "You should go and hide before your friend finds you." I only noticed that the colour of his eyes were yellow. I stared into it for longer than I expected and got sucked in. The guy patted my head with a smile on his face. "Let me help you hide." He stood up straight and took my hand. "What is a vampire?" I asked as we walked. "Do you really want to know? It's pretty scary for kids like you." "I'm not scared of ghosts." He laughed.

"Vampires aren't human like you, they can read each other's minds and they can live longer than you." "They can't die?" "Yes. You see your grandparents, right? They don't get old like them, they don't age anymore if they're fully matured." "Then...the sharp teeth." "They are called fangs. It's the thing that helps them satisfy their thirst for human blood." "Human blood?" "It's the only thing that keeps them alive and sane." "Are they real though?" He just smiled. "You wish they weren't." He mumbled.

"Dad!" A young boy came running, who was dressed exactly like him. "Jake~ I told you to stay with your mom." He swiftly picked him up and carried him. "Mom said that she wanted to go back now." "Oh, is that so? Let's go then. See you later, Princess." He flashed a smile before walking away with the young boy in his arms. "Emma! Found you!" One of my friends tackled me down with a big smile on her face.

I had been interested in vampires ever since then. Everyone called me weird and always told me that they were fake. I bet they took back everything they said to me when the news was filled with the bloodsuckers, thirteen years later.

© 2021 -JAKISM

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