1. A New Step

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Like birds coming out of their nest with the little warm rays of sun calling them awake, the girl named Bhanu woke up with the sound of the traffic moving across the street of her house.
" Mom, switch off the fan, it's too cold " she murmured but the fan didn't stop. Slowly regaining consciousness she remembered her mom already left to work.

She woke up, completed her daily routine, and sat at the dining table having her breakfast thinking about yesterday's incident.

~~Reminiscence ~~

Bhanu's Father said "You wanted to work ?? But why? We are earning enough for you to live comfortably. Just study and get good grades. That's enough for you to do for us."

Bhanu and her mom were listening to his words but said nothing and her mother left like she didn't hear anything and went to do her work and Bhanu followed her.

Bhanu asked "What do you think of me working, mom? " expressing her doubt.
Her mother replied " It's ok if you want to work, not everything can be learned from studying, right? " she said and smiled. Bhanu liked what her mother said, she always liked her mother's words because she saw how the world works and Bhanu believed her mother's words would always come true.

~~End of Reminiscence ~~

"I think I have to search for a part-time job now... If winter break ends, it will be hard to search for a job as college starts" she sighed. " Ahhh... why did I think of doing a job, I should have enjoyed my life since I'm still in college " she questioned and then laughed at herself because of her contradictory thoughts.

She had her breakfast and got ready to step out of home in search of a part-time job.

While going around the main street Junction thinking about where should she join, different thoughts kept popping into her mind. " Should I join a Cafe or sweet shops, no - no, I will eat half of the things there and I will be paying for them instead of taking salary" She laughed at herself thinking about that and came across a poster of a wanted part-timer on the wall of a grocery mart.

Thinking herself lucky she entered the store and was greeted by a middle-aged woman who was well dressed, fair skin toned, had a warm smile, and was about 5 feet 5 inches in height i.e., same as Bhanu's.

"Good Morning, Can I help you with anything," she asked.

" No mam, actually I saw the poster, looking for part-timers outside, I came to apply for it " Bhanu replied.

" Ohh.. no need to call me mam dear, call me aunty, can I know your name and age "the woman replied with a warm smile.

" My name is Bhanu Aunty, I'm 19 years old, and I am studying in college right now" said Bhanu.

" OH, so you go to college, we want help on weekdays too, can you help then?" Asked the woman.

" Present holidays are going on, I can work continuously for now, and after college starts, I can work early and late hours and on the weekends" said Bhanu.

" OK, It will not be a problem then and you will get hourly pay, is that OK for you?" She asked.

"OK Aunty, thank you so much, when can I start working?" Bhanu said excitingly.

"If you are free, I will show you around now, about scanning and entering in the computer my son will let you know tomorrow as we have updated the system recently and I'm not well-versed with it yet" she said, " oh, I forgot to tell my name, you can call me Anu aunty " Anu aunty smiled.

" ok Anu Aunty" Bhanu said and smiled and both started to walk around the store while Anu explained things and the other listened carefully but got interrupted sometimes because of a few customers.

It was almost 2 in the afternoon when Anu Aunty completed explaining everything and she asked Bhanu to bring her identification card xerox, address, and emergency numbers when she would arrive the next day.

After that, Bhanu reached home to have lunch and she ate while thinking about her work and how to tell her parents about it.

She entered her room and while lying on her bed, messaged her bestie Krithi on Snapchat to talk about the day.

~~ Phone Conversation ~~
Bhanu: Hii... Guess what!!(after 2 mins)

Krithi: Hi Bae, ssup?

Bhanu: I got a part-time job, and now I earn money too ;^

Krithi: Really... Congo.. but why did you suddenly want a part-time job?

Bhanu: you know Ara's birthday is coming up, I want to buy a nice present for him.

Krithi: Seriously! How many times did I tell you to forget about Arav.. you have been following him for a year, he didn't even remember your birthday last time, and here you are thinking about his present!... She sighed angrily.

Bhanu: yahh... how will he wish me if he doesn't know my birthday? I never told him. So, he didn't wish me. This time he will surely come to me. Just wait and watch.

Krithi: you just don't get me right? He is not one for you. After the exams, did he ever contact you? He is just playing you...

Bhanu: you girl! What are you saying... It's not playing. I just helped a friend in need. He may be busy in the holidays. He said he is going to tour with his family.. he is not that bad, stop seeing him in a negative light...

Krithi: ok baba... I will stop speaking about him, but let's celebrate for your 1st job Bae.

Bhanu: wait until I get my salary girl.. now I'm penniless! She said and laughed.

Krithi: ok Bae.. did you complete your homework assigned by the professor?

Bhanu: yeah... I have completed it as I will not have time while working.

Krithi: you are great Bae, now I have to do it alone.. she sighed sadly.

Bhanu: it's OK.. I will help you when I have time and I forgot, don't tell anyone that I'm working, ok?

Krithi: no need Bae, you already have enough work, and Yes mam! I won't tell anyone.. she said and giggled.

Bhanu: ok then, see you soon.. bye

Krithi: bye Bae.

~~ End of conversation ~~

Bhanu sighed at her best friend and kept her mobile aside and she slowly fell into deep sleep...

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