4. Butterfly in a Garden

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It's the 31st evening of December and the lights are lit in front of houses, as they are getting ready to celebrate, Bhanu who is walking home while watching all this is excited to reach home.

After she reached home her parents were still at work and her bestie Krithi is waiting for her in front of the house. "sorry sorry, I am late" said Bhanu running towards her friend and Krithi answered " No problem babe, I just reached now, let's go", "but why are you waiting out, my brother's inside" said Bhanu, "I just reached and I'm attending a call, I thought you are already inside" said Krithi walking in.

Bhanu's brother welcomed them and said that he was leaving to meet his friends as soon as they entered the house, Krithi waited until her brother left through the gate and dragged Bhanu with her to the sofa and sat down.

"Guess what I have!" Krithi said opening her backpack, and taking 2 beer bottles out of it, seeing that Bhanu was shocked, she said "What do you think you are doing, if anyone sees this, it's over for both of us!"

"Just chill bae, no one is at home right, we will just drink it in your room at night after everyone is asleep, no one will ever know" said Krithi chillingly,

"ok fine but take this to my room, my parents may come anytime" said Bhanu and they took the backpack to her room and hid it.

Later all her family gathered for dinner and Bhanu's mother spoke, "Don't sleep late at night ok? Sleep after 12 AM, but only today ", "Ok mom, we will sleep soon, don't worry, I don't have work tomorrow, I will sleep for some more time " said Bhanu.

"No way, we all are going to the temple tomorrow, see your brother, even if he is older than you, he is staying back tonight so that we can go to the temple tomorrow, learn something from him" said Bhanu's mother.

"Mom, I have so much to learn from Rohit, If I learn everything from him, I will be exactly like him, then what's the use of having two members who are the same, it will be boring, that's why i won't learn from him" she said and smiled with her friend Krithi.

"This girl!" Her mother just signed.

While others are talking, Rohit is just looking at Krithi from time to time, as Krithi who has little curly black hair with fair skin tone and her eyes looking which are in deep ocean color was looking so beautiful while laughing along with Bhanu.

"Where is dad maa?" asked Bhanu, "He ate and went to sleep early, don't make noise at night, ok?" said her mother. "Ok maa" said Bhanu and continued talking with Krithi.

Later everyone went to their rooms, now Bhanu and Krithi locked the room slowly took beer bottles out, and started to pour them in the glasses which Bhanu secretly snuck from the kitchen.

They continued drinking until it was midnight and they wished each other Happy New Year and started jumping around and then they heard a door knock. They were frozen hearing it, they took the bottles and glasses that were around, kept them in a box, and placed them under the table. Bhanu took a room spray and sprayed it around the room as she thought it would smell like beer, she slowly opened the door to see her brother there and she sighed in relief.

"What are you doing here?" she asked, "Happy New Year to you too sister" he said sarcastically and went inside, "Ok, Happy New Year, now leave, we have to sleep" She said and her phone started ringing and she saw her friends are calling to wish her, "I will just come back after taking this call" she said and went out.

Rohit looked at Krithi and said " Happy New Year" and Krithi smiled and said "Thank you and Happy New Year ", "I got a trending New Year video, you want to see?" he said sharing his phone screen with Krithi and Krithi just got curious and looked into it and got shocked.

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