8. Does flower bloom

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Today Bhanu's College begins after her winter break and she is exited to go to college because she can meet her crush everyday starting today and she also took a break from work. As she was getting ready, a ping appeared in her phone from snapchat. It's from Krithi saying.. 

Krithi: Hi bea, I'm not coming to college today!

Bhanu: Whyyy? I already got ready, you should have informed me before...

Krithi: I have some work and who would go to college right after holidays.. People like you are so boring!! 

Bhanu: I will be lonely in college then : (

Krithi: All of our friends arrived to dormitory.. You won't be lonely.. 

Bhanu: But still without you, i will be lonely :_(

Krithi: Haha...., go and get ready, it is time to go to college.

Bhanu: Yah, It's not a problem, i won't be late today as my brother will drop me : |], but after 2 days he is going back to his college, I have to worry then : \

Krithi: Oh.. Is that it.. No problem, we will be together by that time!  go for now, Bye.

Bhanu: Bye bea ❤️.

Krithi was little sad to learn that Rohit is leaving and understood why sudden plans were made.

~~ Krithi's call conversation before the chat ~~

~~ Ring .... Ring....~~

Krithi: Hello.. Who is this?

Rohit: Your Boyfriend..

After hearing and recognizing the voice, Blood flew up to Krithi's brain and she is more than awake now. "How did you get my number? and stop calling yourself that! I never agreed to it", she fiercely replied. "I have my ways to get your number (Stole it from Bhanu's mobile when she is not looking) and are you trying to leave me after everything that happened on new year night" teased Rohit. " What do you mean everything happened, we just.. we just kissed ...that to ...you forced me to, don't get any more ideas because that's never gonna happen" replied Krithi. "Then what will happen when the video of you two drinking beer reaches your parents, That's gonna happen" Rohit continued teasing. "Ah.. I already did what you asked for, why didn't you delete the video yet, you can't blackmail me forever with that" answered Krithi angrily. " Ok-Ok, I will delete it , if you do one last thing for me, deal?" asked Rohit pleasingly. " Fine, let's get this over with...What do you want now?" questioned Krithi. " Don't go to college today. Spend the day with me" replied Rohit to which krithi don't know what to say and replied " what to you mean SPEND THE DAY, what are you thinking to do to me", Rohit sighed and replied "Ya.. don't let your thoughts run wild! I'm just asking for a date to movie and then maybe lunch... but i didn't know you such a fast-forward person". Krithi was embarrassed with her dirty thoughts and blushed a little, she was thankful no one saw her then.. she just replied," Ok! Today is last time and you have to delete the video". " ok my girl. I will do as you say", replied Rohit to which Krithi lightly blushed but said anyway, "Ya.. stop calling me your girl.. forget it... I'm ending  the call.. Bye.. ", " you could have talked for some more time " Rohit thought looking at his phone sulking a little and called her again.. Krithi lift the call and said, " What now?", "Don't you want to know when to get ready! Be ready by 11, i will come pick you up" said Rohit, to which Krithi replied " No need, tell me the place, i will come to you by myself", " Ok, Asian Movies, be there by 11 , then bye ..umah.." Rohit kissed his goodbye while Krithi just shouted Idiot and cut her call. She remembered she has to inform Bhanu she is not attending college, so she pinged her in Snapchat. 

After a while Rohit dropped Bhanu at college and  reached theater and waiting for Krithi... meanwhile Krithi told her mom that she is going to movies with Bhanu and that they skipped college because it's first day after holidays and no one would be attending soon. She walked into the mall and saw Rohit waiting at screen entrance with tickets in his hand looking stylish with his White shirt and White pants with black belt looking handsome.. Looking at him Krithi thought how does he know that i have a thing for boys wearing White/Black shirts ...ahh... Krithi... what are you thinking.. stupid girl.. you came to movies because of video.. you have to control yourself and not fall for that idiot.. While she was talking to herself, Rohit has noticed Krithi coming to him, he smiled at her looking at her stunning attire of white short kurti covered with net white embroidery see-through top  paired with Blue jeans. He couldn't take his eyes off her until their eyes met.. Both of them diverted their eyes to other side blushing a little and when Krithi arrived and stood in front of Rohit and spoke " Which movie are we going to?" She collected her thoughts  and kept a expression less face to look straight into his eyes, Rohit replied, " your favorite, Prabhas movie" looking back into her eyes with full of love. After hearing his words her eyes brightened and spoke in happiness, " Isn't it getting released today. How did you get the tickets for First show, I can't get tickets to the show for this whole week", to which Rohit proudly replied " I have my ways.. Now lets go Baby", Krithi didn't oppose this time as started walking and Rohit spoke again, "By the way, you look so beautiful today" to which Krithi replied "thanks!.. You look nice too" she spoke in a low volume but Rohit heard her any way and he smiled unknowingly and thanks himself for choosing his dress based on her preference which he saw on her phone wallpaper ( containing a k-pop star wearing white shirt, long sleaves folded to the elbow length).

He Bought a caramel popcorn with coke and gave it to Krithi, while she is taking her seat in the theater. She thanked him and took it happily. They both started watching the movie while he stole little glances at her in between and their hands touched a little while sharing the popcorn but she didn't mind it. After movie is over they came out and he took her to a famous restaurant which is almost at the other side of the city on his bike. Krithi hesitated a little but later got on the bike. After reaching, she was surprised to see a villa like building almost three floors with different kinds of businesses in each floor. The restaurant is located in the third and top floor of the building. Since it is a week day and it is post lunch hour, there are almost no people around.. They had their lunch and came out of restaurant and Krithi went to where lift is located and waiting for it to arrive but for her surprise, Rohit took her hand and lead her towards stairs... " We can take the lift, no one walks through stairs here" Krithi spoke feeling lazy to get down through stairs, to which Rohit replied "I Know" and went silent, Krithi didn't understand what's going on in his mind and just followed him and after getting down half the floor stairs, he just stopped and turned around and looked all sides.. all sides are walls except stairs and no one is present in their sight.. Not understanding what he is doing Krithi asked what happened, to which Rohit replied looking into her eyes, " Can i hug you?".. Krithi was shocked by his statement and her heart started beating loudly but she doesn't want him to hear it so she moved a little backwards, lowering her head to avoid him looking at her blush and replied, "someone might see" and thought 'why am I  blushing.. I don't like him right.. Right??' She is fighting with herself not understanding how she is attracted to him eventhough she hates him and what she heardnext stoppedher train of thoughts,"No one's around here" he just replied and walked towards her reducing their distance. She forgot all worries and just let her instincts take over... He pulled her towards him while embracing her by holding her waist and she took her hands and placed them around his neck letting him to come near her.. Both felt sudden power run through their whole body and started embracing more tightly. They remained in the position for god knows how long...  His breathing changed from heavy to relaxing but his breath continued touching her neck which gave her goosebumps all over her body. After sometime she slowly stared letting go of the other and the they looked into each other's eyes, their body is already melting but looking into his eyes, her keens became weak and she couldn't stand properly.. He lifted her holding her waist and placing her legs around his waist and let her lean her back on the wall and she happily letting him do it, long forgot to mind what is happening around her. He started looking at her eyes and lips and she understood what he wants and gave him a nod. He took the nod as acceptance and placed his lips on hers without any hesitation and she placed her hands around his neck bringing him closer responding to his kiss and the hot make-out session continued for some time each devouring one another...

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