10. Gazing at the stars

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Soma was in his room excited because he got his first investment. He held his mobile dialing his friends group to share the news with everyone.

His excitement reduced a little when no one's answered the call.. He called again thinking to tease them before breaking news to them. This time call was answered by his friend Vishnu, his friend and classmate since his childhood, he greeted seeing him,

Vishnu: Hi Soma. What a sudden surprise..
Soma: Can you stop taking in meme language for once.. (He is impersonating a comedy meme famous in memstagram).
Vishnu: Haha fine.. tell me..
Soma: Why is no one joining the call?
Vishnu: Our CEO gave them some responsibilities.. so they are working on them..
Soma: oh.. shut up.. schedule a meeting with the whole team tomorrow.. I have a good news and I also want to know the progress our team made.
Vishnu: Ok boss. As you wish. But what's the good news?
Soma: what's the hurry.. you will know tomorrow..
he smirked a little and said you would have known if you lift the call for first time.. and he ended the call..
Vishnu: Soma!!. hello...hel...Haaaa... he shouted in frustration because of his friend's silly revenge... How can he not change even a bit. He thought.

After call ended, Soma was satisfied with his get-back, he went downstairs and then to open the store .. He opened and checked the cash counter and registry and switched board to OPEN.

He is looking at the entrance and waiting for someone's arrival. Yes, He is thinking about Bhanu and their childhood memories surfaced before his eyes like it all happened yesterday..

Since he was a child he remembered living in California , US.  He completed his Pre-k in the private school.  In the holidays after Pre - K , their family shifted to India. He don't know why their family suddenly moved and he didn't like the change of atmosphere where everything around him changed. He didn't like making friends or play. During that time his parents took him to a gathering in a farm house which is surrounded by greenery and roads were not visible from the house. All children of people who attended the get-together, gathered around one place are playing. A group of boys who are little older than him are playing cricket while other younger children are playing catch ball with a big  ball which is looking like volleyball but on the lighter side. 

"Somu.." spoke my mom to get my attention and I turned my head towards her, " why don't you go and join them?", I replied, "No mom, I don't know how to play that" I pointed at the children playing cricket. During the time, a guy carrying a cricket bat walking towards the ground heard me speak and ran back towards me and spoke, " Hi.. you want to play with us? you will learn how to play easily, come with me.." the little boy took my hand took me to the ground.. I  moved with him without complaining.. Initially, I was placed as a ball guy who bring the balls which are hit by Bat's man and the children are taking turns to play with bat, when almost everyone turn is over, the same little boy approached me and spoke, " Hi.. what's your name?", "My Mom calls me Somu but my teacher called me Sam in my school" I replied to which little boy replied, "wow.. you have different name in school.. which school do you study in?", then I spoke again with little excitement, "I went to public school of California.. It is very far from here... You have to go on Airplane to reach there.." as I spoke all kids who were playing listened to me and gathered around, "Wow.. you went on airplane.. That's so cool..", "is it really really big?.." the guys started asking me questions and I answered them smiling a little.. In no time I liked all the guys there and the I turned to the little guy who brought me here and asked him a question, "you didn't tell me your name?", " You can call me Rohit.." He said and I smiled at him.. After hearing my stories, suddenly i became cool member of the gang and they also made me vice- captain for the team and I was given privileges to bat second now as Rohit will bat first since he is the captain.. That day went well and i am really happy that day after a very long time. I was so happy to play the game with everyone next day but due to sudden weather changes, it rained heavily next day and all children are gathered under a big balcony where other children are playing games.. I searched for Rohit and saw him playing catch with a little girl. I went to him wanting to play with him.. then he introduced me to his little sister Bunny.. She looked like a little rabbit with her hair tied as two piggy tails and her big round eyes.. She is so cute even for a kid like me and I spoke, "Can i join you both. I want to play with you..", "Ok, let stand in circle and play" the little girl replied and the two boys followed her words and started passing the ball roundly.. soon other kids also followed them and started playing ball passing by forming small groups.. 

"Soma.." he heard a word to bring him back from his trance. he look at clock and it is past 8 Am.. He noticed Bhanu didn't arrive yet. He want to speak with her as soon as possible.. "She is late today" he thought.

He saw his mom walking towards his store and a thought came to his mind, "Does mom remember who Bhanu is? She or dad must know her right? Ha.. "he signed, "I don't think they will remember everyone they met and she was a child then.. but let me try and make her remember" he thought and called her mom as soon as she entered the mart. "Maa... Bhanu... do.." before he speaks further his mother interrupted him and said, "Bhanu already told me she will not be coming today.. don't start complaining about her as soon as day starts " said Anu thinking her child is preparing for another fight.. Soma thought to reply that he was not thinking of that but when he heard she was not coming, his thoughts shifted elsewhere.. "What if she stops working suddenly ?... What if I can't meet her again?.. I barely remembered her.. I don't want to part ways so soon.. but I have to leave to start work.. what to do?" He is thinking deeply for a way to stay in contact with her. Anu spoke again then, "I think we have to hire a new person for full time since you will be leaving soon. Better prepare for that Soma.. ", hearing her Soma spoke, "It's ok mom, I will take care of it". He immediately updated a job site with all details and started getting busy with work. In no time it's already past afternoon and his mother had her lunch and asked him to go eat lunch and she would take care of the store for time being..  He went to his home and asked for food to be served to Manu. He told his seat and saw Manu's mom bringing the heated rice with her. He spoke, " Malli aunty.. when did you return from your village" .. "We arrived just an hour back young master.. "she replied respectfully, "Manu's father is resting but I thought you might need some help ,so I come here.. It is good thing I arrived soon, my son made a mess in kitchen.. he don't even know how to keep this place neat.. " before she spoke again Soma speaks," don't blame Manu...aunty, he told care of us all nicely.. the food made by him is almost as tasty as yours .. hearing him Malli spoke, "Really! Did he became such a good kid?", "Yes aunty .. you don't have to worry about him.. and about school too.." before Soma continued his sentence Manu gestured him not to reveal anything, Soma understood and changed the topic, "Malli aunty.. you have to cook fish for dinner tonight.. I missed your fish fry" Malli spoke, " obviously young master.. I brought fresh fish with me just for you.. we will have fish pulusu and fish fry ready tonight " she spoke proudly as she remembers young master's taste.
The lunch continued with chit-chat and Soma was now walking towards their store when his phone started ringing. The name is displayed as Rohit .. Soma suddenly remembered.." I can contact Bhanu through Rohit right?.. but Rohit might question my intentions.. he is so smart to fool.. I just have to go around him.." he just signed and finally answering the call which is ringing non stop.

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