11. Vigilant Rain

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When Soma was returning to store, he got call from Rohit and answering it, he spoke,

Soma: Hi Rohit.. Tell me?

Rohit: Hey Soma.. Do you know anyone studying in No.1 engineering college in our city?

Soma: No, I don't but I can ask around. What happened?

Rohit: It's nothing. Can you find the person and let me know once?

Soma: I will do but let me know why? You know you can let me in right? 

Rohit: Yeah.. It's something related to Bhanu.. There's a guy named Arav who is going around her.. I want to know what kind of a guy he is..

The minute he heard it's related to Bhanu, he became more more alert and after listening until the end he spoke 

Soma: Can't I just Kill him... he asked without hesitation

Rohit: That's why I don't want to tell you.. Just find a guy and let's meet at cafe at 6PM.

Soma: Leave it to me. I will call you later.

Rohit: Ok.. It's nothing serious yet. Don't make it serious. I don't want the situation get out of hand.

Soma: Ok OK.. I won't touch him yet. I won't leave him later

Rohit: Hah.. You know.. It seems Bhanu also have a crush on him.. I thought of not telling you this. but you left me no choice.

Soma: Oh...  she likes him.. Hah.. She is my wife... how can she like anyone other than me.. anger filled my thoughts..

Rohit: Yup.. Find someone and let me know..

Soma: ...

Rohit: Ok, Bye.

Soma: ...

Soma took sometime processing everything that he heard.. His mind is filling with different kinds of scenarios and answers covering them, ' She is still young right... She can have a little crush. there's nothing wrong with it.. She might have forgotten me.. yes.. she is a little girl then.. that's why she likes some useless guy.. If she remembers me, she will forget him in no time.. First I have to find everything about him..

Soma took his mobile phone out to call his circle of friends.. The first call went to his best friend.. The mobile was answered after few rings..

Soma: Hello Pooja.. 

Pooja:  Hi Soma.. How are ..

Soma spoke cutting her words..

Soma: Do you know any one from No.1 engineering college?

Pooja: Wo.. woo.. can you calm down for a sec.. You called me after almost 6 months and this is the first thing you ask me?

Soma: It's important.. I will talk to you later clearly.. First answer me.. He demanded her.

Pooja: Ok Boss.. Our Kiran in studying there..

Soma: Kiran? Which Kiran?

Pooja: Kiran, my brother, you idiot.. Did you hit something on your head now?

Soma: You mean Bheem.. I  just  forgot for a movement.. Ok, i will call him..

Pooja: Stop calling him Bheem otherwise he won't help you.. It's my advice as his sister.

Soma: Ok my mother.. Bye..

Pooja: Bye..

He opened his contacts while searching for "Bheem" .. he remembered when the kid was younger, he was fan of "Chhota Bheem" a children series and he used to make others call him Bheem.. but as he grow older, he was embarrassed about it.. To irritate him, we still call him Bheem once in a while..

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