5. Cross Junction

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It was morning in no time and Bhanu's mother came to Bhanu's room to wake them both up,

"Bhanu, wake up! Otherwise, we will be late..., Oh Krithi! You already woke up, you are such a nice girl, wake Bhanu too" said Bhanu's mother, but she didn't know that Krithi hadn't slept the whole night.

"Ok........" said Krithi, " Aunty, mom called me earlier and said to come home, as we are going somewhere, I will leave now" finally Krithi said, which is the excuse she prepared thinking the whole night,

"But Dear, it's still early, how will you go alone, wait I will ask Rohit to drop you" said Bhanu's mother, by hearing Rohit's name Krithi suddenly felt tense and said, "It's ok Aunty, it's not that far, I can go, I am leaving, bye aunty, say bye to Bhanu too" and she went out running and Rohit who is watching it from distance smiled a little and said "Cute...".

~~ On the other side at Soma's house ~~

"Maa, What are all these, new stuff??" asked Soma,

"It's New Year, so I ordered some merchandise for our customers, take one out for Bhanu too, she is working for us right, she should get one, she said she will not come today, keep that aside and give it to her tomorrow" said Anu,

"Why her maa, She is not as nice as you think! She acts all innocent in front of you but she always argues with me, you don't know her real face" he said a little angrily,

"She argued with you even if you didn't do anything? Tell me... Who started the argument in the first place ?" asked Anu raising her eyebrows slightly and questioning her kid,

Soma remembered how rudely he behaved when he met her and stayed silent without answering his mother.

"See..., You reap what you sow, she is innocent, Start treating her nicely and you will not have any complaints about her " said Anu and went to distribute the gifts while Soma started thinking about her mother's words.

~~ Back to Bhanu's house ~~

Bhanu's family returned from the temple and are having lunch...

Rohit: Mom, I booked my train on the 5th, I will be leaving for college, so get everything ready.

Bhanu's mom: Are you leaving already? You should have stayed at least until next week!

Rohit: I have a Project to complete maa, however after college, I will stay at home, I thought of having a job in our city.

Bhanu's mom: That's great son, you can live here then.

Bhanu's father: If you want a nice job, you have to complete your college work perfectly, don't overlook it, understand? he said so that his son won't neglect his classes.

Rohit: Yes Dad, I will do as you say. He said so that his father wouldn't be more concerned about him.

They continued the talk and Bhanu silently did her work, not wanting to get involved in the conversation.

The time went by and night arrived soon and Bhanu messaged Krithi..

Bhanu: Hi Krithi, Happy New Year. Seems you are busy too, I can't get hold of you in the call today!

Krithi: Happy New Year Bhanu. Yes, today I was busy, we have relatives in my home, so I didn't have much free time.

Bhanu: Ohh, is it! But you should have at least woke me up before you left.

Krithi: Mom called me and said to come home immediately, so I left early, sorry!

Bhanu: It's ok...Let it be... Had dinner?

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