9. Bunch of Flowers

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Bhanu is walking through the corridor rushing towards the class since it's almost 9 AM and the first class is going to start. She looked over the class to see around and there were around 30 people present in class but the person she is looking for is not present.. she just signed and went to sit beside her friend Maha and started their chit chat. When the professor arrived they silently started to listen the class.

In no time, it's lunch break, Bhanu immediately took her phone out and tried calling Arav.. even after 10 rings the call was not attended.
She canceled the call being little disappointed and started taking to her friend while eating  lunch.
At the end of the lunch hour, she received a call and she happily received it..
Bhanu: Hi Ara..
Arav: Hi Bhanu.. you have called me?
Bhanu: Why didn't you come to college today?
Arav: who told you I didn't attend.. I'm in college now. I have arrived even before the sun.
Bhanu: Haha... Really! , then why didn't you attend the classes.
Arav: I have club activities to sort out for upcoming school fest. You know...., this time, we are thinking of doing something new, like a concert.
Bhanu: whaa! That's so cool.. Are you going to perform too then?
Arav: Of course I'm..
Bhanu: That's nice, it's been a long time I saw you playing drums. It will be so cool now.
Arav: You know.. you don't have to wait for fest to see me perform.. you can come to the club house in the evening, I am going to practice today.
Bhanu: Reallyy.... are outsiders allowed to visit?
Arav: Of course.. My friends come along  all the time.. Then It's fixed.. come to club house by 6 PM today..
Bhanu: yah sure... I will definitely come.
Arav: Ok then Bhanu, I have other work, see you in the evening,  bye.
Bhanu: Ok bye Ara..

The conversation ended leaving Bhanu happy.. she immediately went to her friend Maha and asked her to accompany her to club house and Maha replied, " you know my boyfriend doesn't like all the club activities.. he won't be happy to hear this", " only this once, please accompany me,  pretty please..." requested Bhanu, " otherwise I will be alone without any company " she pulled a sad face. Maha replied, " you are going to meet Arav right? He will be with you naa.. what do mean by no company?", "can't you just make exception for me and come please " Bhanu requested while dodging her question and finally Maha agreed to go with her. After this discussion, they started talking about today's class but Bhanu mind stuck on the question asked by Maha, " what do you mean you will be lonely " and she remembered what happened in the past.. It was almost a year ago, her friends group has planned to go hangout but Arav has invited her to an event which he is participating.. She canceled her plan with her friends and went to the event alone.. There were a bunch of people around but she don't know anyone there.. she greeted Arav but  since he is participating,  he didn't talk much to her, he just greeted back and asked her to take her seat in audience.  Some girls who are the part of the club are also present there.. so, she went to greet them and start a conversation but they acted as if she is not present there and ignored her completely.. She felt really bad then and for the whole time. Even if there are people surrounding her, she really felt as being lonely.
When the event is over and Bhanu is returning She heard the girls talk that  why does Bhanu always follow Arav without his consent.. she want to tell them that she was invited but before she spoke, other girl raised the same point, but the leader of the girls group who is managing the event replied "if she was invited, Arav would have already informed us, even if it's last minute,  he should have introduced us to each other, he didn't even talk to her that long... she is making up a lie telling he is inviting her while following him around" .
After hearing it, her heart just sank.. but because of her feeling towards Arav, She didn't think the misunderstanding was caused because of him, she just blamed the manager of being jealous in her point of view.. Now too, she just signed thinking all this.. As her thoughts build one over other, the lunch break was already over.

On the other side,  Rohit and Krithi are sitting beside each other on the steps and having a conversation while Krithi is holding Rohit's hand and leaned on his shoulders while Rohit let her do as she likes..
Krithi started speaking, " I want to ask you something,  will you answer me honestly?" , "tell me baby, what do you want to know?" Replied Rohit and Krithi asked,  " Is it really a coincidence... How do you already know that I like white and you extactly dressed like that and this place and kiss too, it is exactly how I imagined once.. Can it be... you can read people's mind?" Her delulu brain took her to all k-drama synopsis where main lead has super power. Rohit just chuckled by hearing her words and just said , " I have my ways"... Krithi just voiced, "Yaa... stop dodging questions and answer me straight, otherwise I might not accept you as my boyfriend " she said teasingly.  " I thought we are already a thing.. should I do more things to you to accept me?" He spoke trying to ping her against the walk", "Stop, stop idiot", she spoke and tried hitting him lightly with her little fists but rather than fighting, it seems like she is flirting with him.. " he hold her to hands with one hand and pinned it above he head across the wall and moved his face extremely close to her.. but this time she didn't flinch but spoke in little sweet and addictive voice ," you can't get what you want until you answer ". He let her go and spoke, " If you want answer come near me", she replied, "But I'm already near you", he just replied,  " I want you to be more near... come sit here..." he said pointing towards his lap and she shyly sat on his lap on one side and placed her hands around his neck while his hands went around her waist and his face onto the side of her neck and he started giving butterfly kisses all along her neck slowly moving down.. Kirthi stopped him mid way by placing her index finger on his forehead and moved his head away from her.. Rohit began showing his puppy eyes and trying to melt her to give him a way.. she just spoke, " first, tell me how you know about the details which only I would know", he just signed and requested, " you  promise you won't be mad at me?" Showing his pleasing eyes... "Ok, fine, I won't be mad, now tell me" Krithi promised.. Rohit started speaking, " you know... you and my sister used to do Journaling together... I kinda snuck your's when you are away and read it..hehe.." . Krithi turned red hearing it because only she knew what she wrote in the dairy and once a month, they choose new theme for journaling and 1 month they bought a section which records fantasies, where she wrote, she want a handsome guy who is daring to kiss her in public spaces..After recalling what happened in the past few days, what Rohit did made more sense to her.. going to movie on First day-first show, having lunch together and their little romance, while on stairs.. she was so embarrassed and spoke , " how could you do that.. you idiot " and hid her face on his chest blushing madly.. " here he is thinking how cute she is and spoke, "baby, look at me" trying to see her face, but she spoke, " No, never, I'm not going to show my face to you from now on..." , he panicked a little at her words and spoke , " babe, I'm sorry, I will not do that again,  please look at me naa... " he requested and she spoke, " I should have doubted when innocent Bhanu told me about Journaling about fantasy that month... is she also in it with you?", to which he replied, " no baby,  she really don't know anything.. do you know how much hard time I had doing the whole process without being suspicious, like hinting her to start Journaling as her hobby, so that you would pick it up from her and after 2 months, I kinda dropped fantasy Journaling notes before her, acting innocent and when she asked, I just told her that my classmates bought that for our farewell preparation but changed plans later" he told her everything he did and he faced a sudden silence... Shocking is the least word used to describe what krithi is feeling.. many thoughts filled her mind.. should she be happy that he did all that to impress her or be angry with him because he manipulated everything behind her back..
" Babe... say something " spoke Rohit when he didn't hear any words coming out of her mouth... to which Krithi looked to him and spoke , " such an idiot you are!! " and started beating him with her little fists and he just took them while laughing and saying sorry because she is not as angry as he expected her to be.. After beating him to her heart consent, she stopped and he immediately hugged her asked for her forgiveness sweetly.. she just spoke, " I can forgive you from my side,  what about your sister, you literally took advantage of her naivety to get me, stupid boy" she moved her head to other side showing her dissatisfaction.. He just spoke ," she won't mind doing all that to get her brother  a girlfriend.. would she? " He put his words cleverly and tried wearing her down a little..
"Have you read her journal too then? " Asked Krithi curiously.. " HA... who do you think I am.. how can I read about my sister's fantasies..." when Krithi silently stared at him giving a ' I  don't believe you' look, he spoke "I just read her other journals which have nothing to do with fantasies " he said casually.. " You... you are a big pervert.. idiot " she started   giving him a little beating again and he laughed... they stopped their little fighting after sometime and she spoke, " Then, what about us? Should we tell her now that we are together?".

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