7.5 Sky ladder

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The sun rises through the rainy clouds which are unexpectedly wandering the sky creating a gloomy atmosphere. Soma  went to his open balcony attached to his bedroom after freshening up and noticing the cool atmosphere, thinking to add a jacket to his dress as a extra layer of clothing preventing the cold, wondering how the day will go as the start of the day is too gloomy to be active.

He went downstairs and caught the eye of his dad who is having breakfast along with his mom, feeling hungry and little embarrassed of what happened last night, he remained silent and took his seat at the dining table while the house maid Manu served him breakfast and went back to kitchen. The breakfast is finished in silence as no one spoke but anu kept signing something to her husband while her husband nodded his head in return and signed for her to start the conversation.

After the breakfast is completed soma is ready to leave to open the mart but Anu stopped him saying " Soma... take a seat in the hall, dad wants to speak to you". He just nodded his head and went to the main room where his father is already seated, waiting for his mom to arrive as they both know they are not going to start a conversation without her. 

After some time Anu also seated herself beside her husband and said "We discussed about what you said yesterday and came to a decision". Soma don't know what they are talking about, is it about his job or his marriage which his mom brought up yesterday. Just then his dad and him both spoke at once, "I won't marry......", "I will invest...."......"oh.." soma breathed in relief and asked his father to continue while his mom just laughed at his words. 

Soma's father took a debit card out of his blazer and placed it on the table and says "the card has 25 lakhs(around 30000 dollars) in it. Don't expect any more than that. You will have 2 years to make your startup work, if you can't, you have to come back and start involving in our business and marry whom ever your mom says to. If that's ok with you, take the card."

Soma was really happy when his father said he will provide the investment but his thoughts struck near the marriage but since he has 2 years time, he is confident that he can make this work, so he happily agreed to his father and thanked him. His father replied " first apologize to your mom, if not for her, forget about money, I would have made you join our company a year back." and soma replied " sorry for yesterday mom and thank you so much " and hugged his mom and she hugged him back. Then, he happily went to his room to notify his team about the investment. 

After Soma left Anu started speaking," are you sure about leaving marriage to my decision? because you already know who i have in my mind, it might not make you happy" said doubtfully, for which her husband replied " I have a problem with her father that has nothing to do with her. If he speaks to me first and apologize, i might forget about it". Anu just signed " Can't you both forget about it and become friends again, you both know it's just a misunderstanding". Her husband scoffed before saying " did you forgot how he tried to stop our wedding saying i forced you into it. How can i forgive him without hearing even a single apology". Anu just replied " you know that's what happened then, I was the one who told him, i don't like the marriage because of misunderstanding, he just acted out on my behalf. If you see it from other point of view, it is your mistake too, who told to hide the details and surprise me, if some other person is in place of the groom, would you not act the same way and he also acted that way for me. Can't you let it go.. I want our families to meet officially and be at peace for once. " After listening to her, he just replied," I said i will forget everything, but as groom's father, I should atleast hear an apology,  don't you agree?", to which Anu replied," forget it. You both are just same. Do what ever you want." and signed and some time later both continued discussing other topic.

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