12. Strom on the way

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Rohit arrived at the cafe and, as he entered saw a couple of customers, who were college students, a group of 5 with 3 girls and 2 boys, being a little too excited playing a board game and being loud. He just went and sat at an empty table, and looked at the clock showing 6 PM. Looking at the clock, he started thinking "So much has happened today... Should I be happy or sad... How do I stop Soma now? What's going to happen now... How can I leave when all this is going on... ", After some time he heard the ringing of the bell which indicated the opening of the door of the Cafe, he turned his head and saw Soma walking towards him with a complicated expression on his face.. he immediately knew, if he don't solve the matter, he is going to have a headache for a long time. He sighs heavily...

Soma sat in front of Rohit and before he could say anything Rohit Spoke to him, "Found anything?" to which Soma replied, "I found a guy. He is my friend's brother. He seems to know about that guy. He will be here soon". Rohit just nodded his head... They sat in silence for some time but Soma was irritated by the other group who were laughing loudly. He stood in anger and Rohit stopped him asking, "Where are going! Don't fight!", Soma spoke "I don't have time to get disturbed" Saying that he went to the reception and spoke, " Chinna.. Is Manager Sai here?". The guy working on drinks ordered turned to him and greeted, "Hi Anna! Manager Sai didn't come to work today... You want anything?". "Give me keys to the Manager's room, I want to sit in peace.." after finishing his sentence, the keys were in his hands without any question as it was a normal practice and he spoke to the employee, "Bring 2 cold coffees to us later" to which heard a reply, " Ok Anna" and smiled. 

Soma gestured for Rohit to follow him and opened the manager's room. Since it is a separate room, the background noise went down after closing the door. " I Know this idiot will be late again" Soma spoke in anger after settling down in the office and hitting the table with a fist a little too hard. Rohit finally spoke after a dilemma, "Soma, you have to control your anger.. You will kill that guy at this rate" and heard a reply, " You might not care for your sister, but I care for my wife..". Rohit heard that and replied, "Unbelievable! Hah!! You are going too far, Soma... All that happened when we were children.. and listen clearly... she doesn't remember you and you don't even know anything about her now, it's not love.." and all he heard was, "I Know..", he thought Soma finally came to his senses but lost it when heard the completed sentence, "I Know... I Know everything about her", "Really! Do you know what she likes and dislikes?", "She likes Sweets, Cakes, Ice-creams and Doesn't like dark Chocolates ", Rohit was shocked and thought, 'How did he know that. I Can't let him win now. He won't leave Bhanu if I don't stop him now', "I'm not talking about food, I'm taking about her interest in people", he heard again, "She always goes for looks even if she tells others she doesn't and she's too naive to read a person's character" spoke Soma shocking Rohit again and Rohit spoke changing his tune now, "What's important now is, that she likes another guy" and heard another reply from Soma, which came without any hesitation, "She won't by tomorrow", 'Just kill me. Why is he so stubborn..' are the only thoughts going on in his head, 'this won't do' finally Rohit thought and spoke, "Soma, I won't approve of it, She doesn't like you, You have to respect her decision" and heard a reply, "Then, if she likes me, that means you won't stop me?", "She doesn't!" Rohit spoke, "You don't know that... We have to wait and see" Soma simply replied. Then they heard the door opened saw the guy from reception, Chinna went in and served two cold coffees. Rohit grabbed the glass and swallowed half the glass in a gulp because of frustration. Soma smirked looking at him knowing he won and took a sip of coffee. 

"Where's the guy you are talking about?" Rohit spoke after leaving the topic since he lost to change Soma's mind. "Wait I will call him",  said Soma and tried to reach Kiran. After few rings Kiran received the call.....

~~Somewhere else~~

"Bhanu.. Can we walk slowly! I am tired!" said Maha who is trying to catchup to Bhanu's speed walk and heard, "It's almost 6, Ara asked me to meet at 6PM". Maha replied, "It's 5:35 and he is not a professor to complain, even if you are late!". "Ok.. I will walk slowly...Happy?" replied Bhanu and Maha said, "Yes... Verry happy.." and they both laughed at each other. 

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