3. Ripples in Pond

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In the evening after work, Bhanu walks through the street that leads to her home thinking of what to have for dinner, when she enters the gate, she sees the door of her house wide open, at first she thinks it is her parents but there was no footwear of her parents which should be left out of the house. She slowly walked inside speaking "Helloo.... Who is in here", but didn't get any reply, she started to think what if a theft happened, fear filled her mind and when she completely entered the main Hall, someone suddenly fell on her and shouted "Aaaaahhhhhhhh..........." Bhanu screamed and started to beat the person who fell on her and when she turned to see, it was her elder brother Rohit who was laughing loudly at her reaction.

"You idiot! What do you think you are doing??? You scared the hell out of me !!" She shouted and started to chase and beat her brother, who pranked her while his brother was laughing loudly and moving around. After some time they both sat on the sofa while breathing heavily as they were running around for a long time. "Why did you come this time?" asked Bhanu irritatingly.

"Why do you think? To see my little sister of course" He said sarcastically and started to spread his hands to hug her while Bhanu slapped his hands and moved away and said "Stop playing around, don't touch me", "Ohh, is that so! I thought to buy ice cream from Cream-stone for you but its ok, I will just eat it" said Rohit sighing and going towards the door.

"My sweet brother, take me with you too please" Bhanu said and ran towards Rohit and hugged his hand, asking cutely.

"ok ok, Enough, leave me, I will buy you some" he said while he freed his hand from his sister's grip.

"Now tell me what are you doing on holidays? you should have joined an internship rather than doing a part-time job, it will be more productive" He said calmly,

"I just want to see how business works, I'm not as studious as you, I just want to look into the business side" requested Bhanu "Don't talk about it again in front of Dad, you know right, Firstly, he is not happy because I am working, if you support him, he will stop me immediately",

"Ok lil sis, but you should stop working after 6 months, it will be your final year then and you have to concentrate on college and your project work" said Rohit.

"Ok bro, Thank you so much! Hehe" she giggled hugging her brother from the side and her phone started ringing, after seeing her mobile she said to Rohit " Rohit, Krithi is calling, I will talk to you later, I'm going to my room bye" and ran to her room not noticing her brother's face which is showing curious expression.

After dinner, Rohit and Bhanu went out to eat ice cream. Rohit is asking about her college life and Bhanu replied to his question by mentioning Krithi in every statement. Rohit said " If you want you can buy ice cream for your friend too, you said she lives nearby" tried sounding casual,

"Really! Thank you Rohit" She squealed and bought ice cream for her and Krithi and told her brother to follow her, they reached Krithi's house then Bhanu said " Rohit, you leave for home now, I will be with Krithi for the night, I already informed mom" She said while taking her packed ice cream from him and ran into Krithi's house without waiting for her brother's reply,

"I thought she would come out" Rohit murmured quietly and with a disappointed face, he turned towards his way home.

"Hii Krithi!!" shouted Bhanu "Look, I bought us ice cream" and Krithi looked at her "How come you are here late at night?"Asked Krithi taking her cup from the package.

"My brother came back from the hostel, he brought me here" answered Bhanu while taking a spoonful of ice cream and filling her mouth." so nice!" she exclaimed."I thought of helping you with your homework ".

"What is your brother doing now? you never really talked about him" she asked casually,

"I don't talk because he is doing his Masters in IIT Madras, Why do you think I will insult myself by speaking about a person who is intelligent than me" she said giggling, "You shameless girl" said Krithi and laughed with her and their night went by with their chit-chatting.

Morning came with the alarm sound waking up Bhanu who was sleeping peacefully, she checked the time on her mobile and it was 8 in the morning. "I have work today too" she thought and woke up, Krithi who was beside her also woke up due to the alarm sound " Why did you keep the alarm?" she mumbled, "I have work" said Bhanu in her sleepy voice. "who works on 31st Dec, you should take leave" said Krithi irritatingly keeping her legs on bhanu so that she won't wake up, "I am taking leave tomorrow, so I have to go today, now move" she said removing her friend's leg from the top of her and get down the bed. "I will come by evening, be at my home, let's celebrate there this time, ok? I will ask Aunty" said Bhanu, "ok ok, Now let me sleep bae" replied Krithi and went under her blanket again.

~~Time skip to grocery mart ~~

Anu Aunty: Bhanu, which group are you studying in college, asked casually

Bhanu: I'm in the computer science department Aunty...

Anu Aunty: Really! You know our Soma is also from the same department, He graduated this year only, if you have any doubts you can ask him, he is a class topper...

Soma: (Out of nowhere) What are you saying maa, I have way more things to do rather than tutoring some dumb head.

Anu Aunty: What are you speaking Soma? Is this how you speak about a girl? No wonder you don't have a girlfriend... Say sorry to her.

Soma: Maa... what are you speaking in front of everyone? Stop saying things.

Anu Aunty: OK, I will stop speaking, first you say sorry to her.

Soma: Sorry, he said as if he didn't mean it.

Bhanu: It's ok Aunty, don't fight because of me.

Bhanu's mind: What a nice scene, she should have scolded him more, she giggled internally.

Anu Aunty: See how nice she is! sometimes I think it's better to have a daughter than a son.

Soma: Then you keep her as your daughter I'm leaving bye. he said and left angrily.

Anu Aunty: What do I do to this boy! She felt her son was unbelievable. Bhanu, don't take his words to mind, he speaks harshly but he is a nice guy from the heart.

Bhanu: It's ok Aunty, Aunty... tomorrow can I take leave since it's the new year?

Anu Aunty: I thought to say the same to you, you can take leave. she said and smiled.

Bhanu: Thank you, Aunty. she smiled. but my college will start on 3rd Jan, when do you want me to come from then?

Anu Aunty: Do one thing, you can come by 6 in the morning and work until 8 and then you can go to your home and get ready for college and in the evening you can come at 6 and work till 8, how is it?

Bhanu: It's good, Thank you, Aunty, sorry I can't help you at rush hour.

Anu Aunty: No need to say sorry and evening time is the rush hour, you will be present then, it's enough. she said and smiled. Did you have your lunch ? she asked

Bhanu: Not yet Aunty.

Anu Aunty: Come then, let's eat together in my house. I will call that idiot to look after the store. she said referring to Soma who is still angry about early conversation and waiting outside for others to call him back.

They both laughed silently when they saw him and then went to have lunch together.

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