Just Monkey Business

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(Hey everyone! I know it's been a while since I last updated but things have come up for me in more ways than one lol, good things. I hope yall enjoy this chapter and have an awesome day~♡)

When I told Lio about the fur..he was surprised.

I watched as his eyes widened in shock seeming confused as he asked me "Did you say you grew fur?" I nodded my head as I walked in front of the table. "Yeah...it kind of just appeared on my arm and then poof! Disappeared." We both looked at one another in worry.

"OK, that's definitely not normal. How do you feel?" I sighed as a million thoughts entered my mind. I didn't know what to feel about any of this. "Strong, furry, sad about my kimchi." Seeing as how I accidentally broke it while trying to get it open.

Man...I was really craving some at the time :,(

Lio scoffed as he took out another jar and made his way around the table. "Well, the kimchi part I can fix." He leaned his elbow on the table and stared at my stomach. "But the strong and furry? Maybe it's side effects of the genetic modification?" I took a pair of my red chopsticks as I grabbed a piece of kimchi.

"Could be. Sometimes a fetus's stem cells pass to the mother via.." "Microchimerism! Nerd!" We said in unison, laughing at ourselves as I ate my kimchi. "At least you didn't grow a tail in the lab." Lio said jokingly as i suddenly gasped.

"The lab! If it happens in front of them..." I held my stomach as I looked down. "They'll know we isolated the mutagen." He finished as I continued "They'll use it to turn mutes back into animals." I held onto the end of the table in frustration but accidentally broke off a piece.

Wow...I don't think I'll ever get use to this.

"Should we tell (Y/n) about this?" He asked me "No! If she gets caught Keeping something this huge from Emilia who knows what she'll do to her! For now we'll keep it to ourselves until we get out of here." Lio nodded "I guess it's safer for her not to know. So, the next thing is.."

I sighed to myself as I held and stared at the big chunk I tore off. Lio asked me "What do you want to do?" I put table piece back down as I held on to my stomach. "I'll stay home until I have the baby." "We'll have to give them a really good excuse though." Lio mentioned as I tried giving him some.

"Complications with the pregnancy?"

"Nah, they'll want you in the clinic." He looked up as he thinks for a solution before he lowered his head to me again as he exclaimed to me "I'll tell them you need to be quarantined because you have burrow pox." He looked away with a confident yet subtle grin.

I got confused at what he said "There's no such thing." He turned to me with that smile I always loved from him "I know, Dr. Oak." It took me a few seconds until I finally understood what he was planning. My face lightened up after that.

"So, you can make up all kinds of stuff about it, Dr. Oak." I began counting the fake symptoms "Highly contagious, fever, headache...rash under the knees...oh, there's just so much we can add to this!

(Kipo's POV)

After encountering a new mute named "Fun Gus" in my old burrow he had us listen to him while he read the journal we found about everything my parents were working on, especially me.

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