All that Glitters

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(Heyo! Hope yall are enjoying this story so far :3 I know I am UwU anyway we're almost at the end of season 2 and I'm really excited how the finale will end! Get ready for some twists and turns...this one and the next chapter are gonna be LOOOOOOOONG)

(Kipo's POV)

Wolf made sure no one was present as she turned to us "I'm glad (Y/n)'s OK". I explained it all not just about (Y/n), but about the truth behind my mom and Dr. Emilia. Benson threw his arms up "So, it was Dr. Emilia the whole time?!" I sadly nodded my head.

My dad spoke up "If she rescues the people from the burrow-" "She'll turn everyone into mute-hating weirdos, just like her." I finished for him. Dave opened his mouth to speak "Mm-mm-MM! I knew I didn't like her. I saw the twisted soul that lives beneath the surface, and I said, "Benson, that is an evil woman."

Benson gave him a disbelieving look "Dave! That did not happen. Quit yo lying." I redirected their attention back to me "OK, guys, I don't have much time. You go stop Dr. Emilia from getting to the coronation." I pounded my fist into my hand as I gave them a fierce expression.

"By any means necessary." Dave gave a mischievous evil smile as he rubbed his hands together "Oh, you mean fight dirty. Yeah, we can do that." He then starts picking up rocks one by one from the ground.

Benson let out an exasperated sigh "Dave, always with the rocks. WE AIN'T THROWIN ROCKS AT DR. EMILIA." He then gestured to me "Kipo, aren't you coming?" I rub the side of my arm "I'm not leaving (Y/n), Scarlemagne's kind of opened up to me."

I begin lowering my voice "I mean, he really told me a lot of personal stuff and--" Wolf interrupted me "Oh, you're gonna stay here with (Y/n) and exploit his weaknesses together for when we have to fight him." She said with a menacing smile on her face.

I smiled nervously at her "Yep, you guessed it." Dave then hands me a handful of rocks "Here. You take these." All of a sudden we gasped as we see Wolf stiffen as she looks around the corner and whispered that someone was coming.

The group disbanded as I watch Wolf, Benson and Dave go back into the tunnel they made and I stood back into place in front of my dad's cell as one of Scarlemagne's nobles come running to me.

He stopped in front of me "Hey, Scarlemagne wants you to join him and (Y/n) in the food court. He said, and I quote, "No one goes to the bathroom for that long." I scowl at him as I lifted my heavy dress.

"Have YOU ever tried to go in one of these dresses? It takes a long time." He grabbed my arm as he dragged me to the food court. I turn back to see my friends pop their heads out as I gave them wink followed by a smile as I turn to face forward.

Hopefully the plan works.

I'm counting on you guys..

(Ten minutes ago)

(Y/n's POV)

I gazed at my friendship bracelet I had on my wrist. Remembering the days I shared with them. All the good and bad times we went through. It feels like an eternity since we have been together.

I got up from my bed only to hear a knock coming from outside my door. I make my way to open it and see Gerard on the other side. "Excuse me for disturbing you, my lady, but Scarlemagne wishes you to join him in the food court." He bowed his head at me as he waited for my answer.

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