New Life in the Burrows

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(First off I didn't have a pic to fit with this chapter so "BEAR" with me here! Haha see what I did there ^^ anyway I'll also be adding the theme song to every chapter from now on ty)

Y/N - your name
E/C - eye color
H/C - hair color
H/L - hair length
S/C - skin color
(You all know your age by now ùwú)

(Y/n's POV)

Sitting on the ground in complete darkness I contemplated on my life. Wondering if I was doing the right thing here. Sighing in frustration I stuffed my teddy bear in my bag and tried to feel my way around any light source. I felt something light and about the size of my hand and picked it up. Touching the object around I found out it was a tiny flashlight. I pressed what felt like a button and a bright light reflected off the walls surrounding me. I went to the door.


Dang. I looked around trying to find anything that could help me or keep my mind occupied until Emilia gets back. Ohh, what are these?

(15 minutes later)

The door suddenly opened with Emilia on the other end looking down as she saw me fiddling with what looks to be a multi-colored cube. I was really invested on wanting to match all the colors on one side. "Get up, (y/n). I found you a place to stay in." She motioned me to follow her as I got up from floor kept the cube in my bag for possible entertainment later on. Walking and climbing stairs we got higher above the ground. Gazing down over the ledge I became curious to who I was I gonna live with. "So, Emilia. Who am I staying with?" Without looking back she answered. "You'll be staying with Mrs. Potts. She's part of the Agricultural Production station we have set here. If she'll allow, you can help with growing plants, fruits, vegetables, flowers and if you're get to care for our small domestic farm animals we have here. Or you can simply find other things to keep you busy while you're here. We have combat training classes, school can be provided. All in all you would have something to do. I did say you'd get everything you needed here...did I not?" She glanced back at me. "You did..." She stopped right in front a door that had a plated name on the left side that said 'Potts'. I stood next to her as she then was about to give me a spare keycard until she held it back. "DON'T. And I repeat. Do not lose this keycard. Making new ones take a lot of time and effort and I don't want to have to be responsible because of your lack of responsibility. You understand me?" I nodded. "Don't forget about your end of the deal, (y/n). If you can manage that then we'll get along just fine~" She then handed me the card and began to walk up the stairs. But before I could say anything she replied to my unanswered question. "I already told Mrs. Potts about you. She'll see to it that you get settled. Now if you'll excuse me, I have world that needs to be cleansed...."

I shudder at the last thing she said. She can be scary yet intimidating at the same time. I look to the other doors and see their names also plated.

These must be my neighbors!

On my left I read the plate say 'Pullman' and on my right say 'Oak'. Huh. Interesting names they have. I placed the card on what looks to be a scanner of some sorts and heard a beep making the door slide open. I carefully made my way inside could see the entire apartment is small but neat. "Why hello, dear! Glad to see you made here in one piece." Sitting in what appears to be the living room did I see an elder stand up and made her way to me. Like everyone else she also wore that uniform but her zipper line was a light pink and so were her cuffs on her wrists. She had a messy white bun and had golden trimmed glasses that were shaped like circles. She had such a welcoming smile that I almost forgot why I was brought here in the first place. "You must be (y/n), yes?" I gave her a nod. "She came up closer to me and moved a strand of hair from my face. "Such a beauty you are! And what lovely hair you have! Almost makes me want to go back to my younger days oohoohohoo!" I chuckled, grabbing her hand to shake. "Thank you, Mrs. Potts for letting me stay here with you. It really means a lot to me and I'll be sure to help you in anyway I can!" She thanked me and was about to talk to me more until she noticed the time on her clock. "Oh, goodness me. I'm nearly late!" She got her bag that had a cute little plant on it and set it down next to her. "Now (y/n), I am told you need a uniform and some essentials you might want. Can you tell me what size you are?" I told her the size. "Very good! Now is there a particular color you'd like have on there? Like mine here, I wanted pink." Hmm. I thought in my mind for a second and finally came up with "(color)". She smiled at me beaming in joy. "Wonderful! So I'll be back in a few hours and get you your uniform and a few other things we'll need. In the meantime you can get familiarized with everything here and feel free to snack on anything you find in the fridge, ok? I'll bring more groceries later. Take care, dear!"

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