There's Always a Way

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(Y/n's POV)

"Ow, ow, ow, ow, OW!"

"Hold still. I'm almost done..."

"Not so...tight, Hugo!"

"Sorry, I'll try to be more gentle.."

"You done yet?"

"Annnnnd there we are! All patched up."

I tilted my head down to look at my now bandaged stomach and dropped my shirt back down. Hugo gave me a disappointing pout "Mon amour, you more than welcome to keep your shirt off if it makes you more comfortable." I scoffed at him giving him the eye roll. "Yeah. You'd like that wouldn't you?" He shrugged his shoulders as a small smirk appeared on his face "As much as I generally care about your well-being, seeing your beautiful physique is just a bonus."

I let out a small laugh as I carefully laid on my bed and covered myself. "And this is why I love you." Smiling sweetly at him as I patted the empty space next to me. He accepted the invitation and sat next to me as we embraced each other. "I love you too." We sat there for a while with small talk until Song and Lio burst in with supplies in their arms. Song ran up to me looking worried "Oh my god (Y/n)! Are you OK? We heard what happened with the huge fight....I'm sorry we weren't here fast enough."

Lio hugged the side of her arm "We also heard about the others going after Kipo.." I shamefully lowered my head "I tried to stop her from making a huge mistake. It isn't like her to do something that doesn't fit her personality." Hugo held my hand "At least you tried, dear. With your injuries, you wouldn't have made it far if even if you tried." Song smiled at us "He's right, (Y/n). I'm sure the others can convince her well enough that this isn't the way to go."

I nodded as I glanced at the objects they were holding "Is that everything you need to make the vaccines?" Lio nodded "Yup. Hopefully then we'll stand a better chance against Emilia and them." He looked to Song and then at me "We should let you get some rest. We'll start right away making the vaccines. If you need anything from us we're here for you, (Y/n)." I thanked them as I watch them leave, but not before Song turned her head at us "You take good care of her, Hugo." He gave her a faint smile as he waved her off "I will, Song". Now it was just the two of us again as we listened to the quiet forest sleeping around us.

I look at my hands as I stared at them in deep thought. "Do you ever wonder what started the mutant outbreak? I know having vaccines prevents us from getting cured, but...." I look up at his eyes who seemed to be wondering what I was trying to get at "isn't there a way to mutate them back again?" Hugo seemed deep in his thoughts as he pondered this. "I always wondered that too. But didn't Emilia figure out that formula through experimenting with me?" I gasped loudly as my eyes shot wide open as I grabbed a chunk of my hair "She DIDN'T!!!"

Hugo attempted to calm me down "(Y/n), what is it?? What's wrong?" I forcefully grabbed his collar and stared deep into his eyes, my face feeling white as I whispered "Back in the burrow...this one day she was showing me her lab. She showed me all kinds of liquids and formulas with different animal DNA's...I think I might've seen some type of monkey now that I mention it. But she only showed me this to threaten me if I ever did anything." Hugo's face looked shocked as I continued to speak.

"What was weird was that she didn't say what she placed in the syringe." I looked to the side as my eyes narrowed "There was another formula she put in, but it looked....different from the rest." Hugo tilted his head "How different..?" I shrugged "Well, for one it was in a completely weird looking container, and the color just looked so...distorting. It's like my stomach felt uneasy just looking at it!" I avert my eyes back to him "Hugo....this theory may sound a bit crazy, but just level with me on this. OK?"

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