End of the Road

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Y/N - your name
E/C - eye color
H/C - hair color
H/L - hair length
S/C - skin color
F/C - favorite color

(Y/n's POV)

As morning came I woke up to see the store lit with rays of sunlight. Stretching my arms letting out a big yawn I looked to my right and could see Hugo stirring in his sleep, he seemed to be waking up. I leaned over close to his ear and whispered, "Rise and shine, Hugi...time to get up." Blinking a few times before letting out a yawn himself, Hugo sat up rubbing his tired eyes. "Good morning, (nickname)...." he said still drowsy to even notice what he had just called me. I giggled at him, "Did you just call me, "(nickname)?" He instantly froze, now realizing what he accidentally let out from his words. He covered his entire mouth, a red hue could be seen slightly on his cheeks as he kept apologizing. I try to calm him down telling him it was fine he had a for me because I had given him one too.

"That's a cleverly cute nickname you gave me, tell me, how did you come up with it..." I said playfully acting all serious and whatnot, eyeing him suspiciously. He chuckled at my sudden change in mood. "On the contrary (y/n), it only seemed fair that you should be given a, what did you call it? A "cutesy dootsy" nickname?" He air quoted my phrase of it. "And I just happened to come up with a very good name last night so there!" He crossed his arms giving me a smug smile. I held my hands up, "And that you did!" We both laughed for what seemed like an eternity until we began hearing loud stomps coming from outside the store. Me and Hugo looked at each other nodding our heads as we hurried and left the store. We stopped to see what was the commotion only to find a giant mega bunny was literally right next to the store we were in! "Hugo look! It's a giant bunny! Let's go pet it!" I yelled excitedly, but Hugo grabbed my hand anyways and ran away from it. "No! We will not pet that bunny!" I awed sadly as I waved bye to the giant bunny hoping to see it again some other day.

(A few hours later)

Once again we had to cross dangerously unstable broken down buildings which I didn't agree with at first, but with Hugo's reasoning I had to comply. Walking across a long enormous building had me nervous as heck, Hugo had noticed this and decided to come up with a small conversation as a distraction. "You know (y/n), I've been meaning to ask you something..." I looked at him curiously, "What's that?" He took a moment trying to come up with his question for me. "Say if we survive this conundrum....what are your plans for the future..?" I stopped where I was and pondered what Hugo had said. I never really thought about it thoroughly before. I was always just thinking about the present, the now, and focus on just living for today. I did know one thing I wanted in the possible future.

But...does Hugo..feel the same?

I stared at him, he was awaiting my response patiently as I spoke, "Well, I'm hoping to start my own farm if I can, maybe have a permanent home to stay in, but....if anything I want us to stay together, Hugo."

THERE, I said it...!

Oh god, I hope he feels the same way..

"Ah, right! Because friends stick together! I feel the same, (y/n)." I stood there with a blank expression, trying to process the words he just spoke.


Did he just say..

F R I E N D S ? ! ? ! ? ! ?

I felt my heart had shattered into a million pieces hearing that word echo in the back of my mind. I....I really thought we would have some sort of connection these past few days we've been together. I guess it was just my imagination. Still, not wanting to give up hope I said shyly, "But....do you really think of us like that?" I twisted a strand of my (h/l) (h/c) hair as I stood there. He became a bit puzzled at what I was trying to say so I continued on, "Don't you want to be....more than that?" I started walking up closer to him, hands held onto my chest. I could see he was starting to become flustered and anxious, "More than...friends?" I sat on my knees right in front of him as I gently grabbed his hand, "Haven't you been feeling that odd, strange, sensual feeling buried in your chest? The butterflies fluttering around in your stomach?" He nodded slightly, before speaking in a low tone, "I had read about this in one of my books....is-.....is this what you humans call.......love..?"

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