A Happy Ending..?

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(This is it everyone! This will be the last chapter for this book. I'm so happy to share this with you all! It's been a very fun book to write and I'm sad yet glad to see it end so well! Thank you everyone who supported this book and for taking your time to read it! Now let's finish this chapter 💜 ^0^)

(Five years later)

"Hey, hun! Do you know where we put Marie's medicine? I can't seem to find it in our bathroom!" (Y/n) put her little girl on the counter as she searched in the bottom sink. "I left them on kitchen counter!" Hugo yelled from downstairs. (Y/n) lifted Marie up "You ready to go, sweetie? Go bye-bye?"

"Bye-bye!" she said in a cutesy voice as (Y/n) carried them both downstairs to see her husband fixing their son, Louise's shirt. He looked up at his father innocently "Daddy? Why we dress up for?" Hugo smiled at him as he let the girls pass by him to get the medicine.

"We need to look our best anywhere we go, son. Plus, your mother worked very hard to make these clothes for you. You don't want to disappoint her now, do you?" Louise looked to his mom as she smiled sweetly at him. He looked back to his dad and shook his head as he smiled "No, daddy."

So, you must all be wondering what happened within these five years, yes? Well, then I'll tell you. Everyone's grown up, Kipo became an adult and started a relationship with Dahlia. They are very happy together. Benson and Troy are happy, too. They opened a restaurant that got six thumbs up from Cappuccino!

Wolf's Mega Corgi had puppies, and they're so adorable! (Y/n) started her own clothing store that's now the #1 trending store in Las Vistas. Hugo became a music teacher for our new Las Vistas School we build. Jamack became a bus driver, but with the Mega Bunny as the bus. He's running a very good business!

Yumyan and Molly started their own construction company, turns out the Timbercats LOVE building things with the amount of wood they own. The three blind goats opened up their store for Fortune Telling. Label and Zane opened up their very own gym, too.

The Observatory turned into a museum where you can sit down and learn about the cosmic universes. Cotton started her own band and are now planning to go world wide. Lio and Song continue to be scientists as they own their very own lab.

Oh, yes. If you're wondering more about (Y/n) and Hugo's life, they are perfectly happy living in their two story house, even with a beautiful garden they made! They have two lovely children: Louise and Marie. Marie, who is two, looks just like her father while Louise, who is five, resembles much of his mother.

So, there you have it. Everyone is living their best lives. And it's thanks to those who were wanting to make a difference in the world, a change. And now, let's get back to the where we left off, shall we?

The family walked out of their home and onto the road, all holding hands as they took in the bright, sunny day. Louise tugged on his mom's hand as she looked down at him "Mommy? Are we goin to see Auntie Lemi?" She nodded at him "That's right, sweetie! It's her weekend with y'all."

Hugo scoffed as he said quietly, glancing "Still can't believe you wanted her to be part of the family." (Y/n) made a quick remark at him "She's been super nice to me ever since we met! So, I want you to be on your best behavior!" She glanced at her kids "ALL of you...OK?"

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