It's a Trap

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(Y/n's POV)

Today, Kipo suggested we bring the blind goats so, that they would be safe from Dr. Emilia. This will be the first time meeting them, so I hope things go well. Once we made it we informed them that we're taking them back to Timbercat Village that now has a death ivy wall to protect them from Doctor Emilia's cure. They wanted to take one last look at the cheese before leaving as they switched the barrels and began chanting some odd words that had to do with...more cheese.

"Feta, gouda, chèvre, fromage."

"Doctor Emilia will not waver from ridding the surface of all mutekind."

"With her new army, she will succeed."

"Unless you stop them. You will need to fight the ones you care about in order to save us all."

We gasped at the same time staring up at them in complete shock. I glanced at Kipo who seemed to be at a loss for words.

So...this means that Emilia won't be the only person she has to fight to protect us?

"Dang, really? I got to fight you guys?! But to save the world...I'll do it." Dave said proudly.

"Not you. We meant her."

I slapped the back of Dave's head "ow.." he whispered as he rubbed where I hit. The goats apologized for bringing up such unfortunate news to us. And with that the goats packed all their things and we rode on Kipo back to Timbercat Village. It was a quiet ride along the way, and I'm sure Kipo must have a lot on her mind right now. Heck, I don't blame her for wanting to reconsider some changes now. We stopped and hopped off when we made it to the front of the death ivy wall. Kipo whispered the password as I walked up next to her, a dubstep bee soon appeared next to us as I nudged her "Kipo, you gotta say it in their language, remember? Just like we practiced!"

Me and Song took turns teaching Kipo how to speak in bee, but most of the time Song would be busy, so it's mostly me. Kipo snapped her fingers "Ah! That's right." She cleared her throat and let out a fierce imitation of the password speaking bee allowing a clear path to open up from the other side. We walked through as we were greeted with a concerned Molly. I swear she's like a worried mother waiting for her kittens to return home. "Glad to see you all made it back safely." I waved at her "Hi Molly! You had nothing to worry about, see?" She gave a sigh of relief smiling at us.

"Is the perimeter secure? Any holes? Any breaches?!" She looked back to me and Wolf "Did I say that right?" I shook my head letting out a small laugh as Wolf just smiled at her "Uh...yeah. Way to go." Molly's facial expression became stern "The perimeter is set. Our scouts have reported no signs of Emilia." Thank god she didn't decide to attack while we were gone. That would've turned out bad for everyone. "Did we leave the lanai?" The small goat asked us. I turned to Kipo "Aren't you forgetting something..?" She looked at me confused for a second before widening her eyes "Right, the welcome speech!" She suddenly tossed in the air a bunch of confetti from nowhere(and I seriously wonder where she hides them..) as she gave the goats a big smile.

"Hurray! Welcome to Timbercat Village. It's the best place on the surface, and you're totally gonna love it here. Hurray." In a flash the wall opens up and a van storms in as Kipo frantically yells "breach", but only for it to be Jamack bringing in the Newton Wolves and Scooter Skunks. Ever since Jamack had that big fight with Hugo it's like he's changed somehow, but in a good way. He still acts as my best friend, no changes there, but every now and then I would see him visit Hugo and they would sit together and just talk. I don't know what about, but the only thing I ever noticed was not them talking, but the way they looked while talking.

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