And then There were Two

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Y/N - your name
E/C - eye color
H/C - hair color
H/L - hair length
S/C - skin color
F/C - favorite color

(Y/n's POV)

I heard the sound of rubles move as I slowly opened my eyes to see Hugo had protected me from the crash. What I didn't realize was that he was literally on top of me. Face flushed from our sudden closeness I start to shake him. Hugo awoke and began looking around his surroundings, eyes squinting from the brightness of the sun. I cleared my throat and as soon as he looked down I gave him a nervous smile and said to him "You can get off of" He blushed furiously as his eyes widened, now noticing our predicament he put ourselves in. He instantly got off of me "I'm-I'm so sorry, (y-y/n)....I was only- "It's ok, Hugo. I know you were just protecting me." I cupped his face as I planted a kiss on the left side of his face where a scar was formed. "Thank you." He smiled at me as he held my hand with his. We then dusted ourselves off and Hugo looked up covering his eyes from the sun as he scanned the area. He looked bewildered at the scenery that surrounded us. I gazed as well. Taking in the warmth from the sun and could feel the breeze hit my face.

Man did I miss the sun..

Just then we both jumped at a sudden vibration coming from the ground which sounded like footsteps. We turn to see where it came from only to find a huge mega monkey appear before us as it stood up and gave a loud ferocious roar. I glanced at Hugo who looked frightened by the giant monkey. I went back to have another look and I noticed a person was riding on their shoulder. I squinted my eyes to get a better visual on them and gasped as it was Emilia who was on the monkey's shoulder.

What is she doing on there..?

I turn to Hugo grabbing his shoulders "We need to leave. Now!" Without no hesitation he nodded and I took his hand and made a run for it. Upon running I accidentally slipped on some rocks who started rolling down along with other rocks soon making a noise. We then heard loud footsteps and I could see Emilia staring down at me laughing maniacally as she aimed what looks to be some sort of gun at me. "I'll give you a chance at redemption (y/n), come with me or I'll make you into one of my own little experiments!" I didn't notice she was also carrying something large in one of her arms. I glared at her, feeling my blood boil in hatred for her I shouted "Do your worst you wretch! I'm done running from you!" Hugo hid behind me as Emilia kept boasting on "Oh, I think you'd better (y/n), I'd hate for my little experimental formula go to waste..." She aimed her gun at me, but as she did I spoke to Hugo in a whisper "Run for it, I'll try and stall her." He then ran towards the forest and just as she was about to shoot she then aimed for Hugo. Seeing her change targets I desperately ran back towards Hugo, pushing my limit as I caught up to him. I then heard her pull the trigger and I pushed Hugo out of the way as I looked back to what seemed like a syringe aiming right towards me, but I couldn't react fast enough and it stabbed me right in the arm. "Ahh!!" I yelled as I stumbled and fell to the ground. I immediately grabbed the syringe and took it out of my arm and threw it away. Hugo came back to me as I held on to him for support as we both stared up at Emilia. "I never miss my shots. Enjoy your freedom with your monkey there while you still can, (y/n). Because when I find you...and I'll wish you hadn't."

Gloat all you want Emilia...

But I'm not backing down from this

"Oh, and one more thing..." I stared at her as Hugo helped me to my feet again. "Let me know how that formula kicks in. I  had to be quick...and created something only YOU deserved." Snickering at me, I looked at my arm and back at her. "What did you DO to me?!" She grinned and put on a innocent act "Well, since you came to like hanging around monkeys more I figured I'd let you JOIN THEM! You do remember that the mandrill wasn't the ONLY monkey we had..." Realization came to me like a slap to the face as I remembered what she pointed out. There WAS another monkey they had tested but was a failure due to no mutation.

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