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Y/N - your name
E/C - eye color
H/C - hair color
H/L - hair length
S/C - skin color
F/C - favorite color

(Scarlemagne's POV)

"And who is this?" I asked my noblemen as I stood in front of the human girl. She slowly lifted her head as we made eye contact to each other.

(**Cue Music**)

"The Mod Frogs brought her in, apparently she was seen with the burrow girl and her friends." I gave a surprised look as I stared down at the human with a mischievous smile, fear now shown on her face.

"Ohh, really.." I bent down to her as I gently took a lock of her (h/c) hair, feeling the soft silk from my fingertips. Looking at her she seems quite the beauty. She'd make an excellent noblewoman. "So, tell me, dear. Where's the burrow girl?" I asked her ever so politely. She stared at me before saying "I...don't know." Judging from the expression on her face she seemed to really not know...

Or she's just a really amazing actress~

I let out a "Humph" as I stood back up and walked to get my pheromone bottle. "We shall see what you know, dear." Just as I grabbed the bottle she then spoke again, but what she had said made me ever so curious and suspicious. "Wait! you by chance have another name you go by..?" I turned around, bottle in hand as I gave her a serious expression.

How does this girl know I have another name..

I decided to play along with it and give her the benefit of the doubt. "So, what if I do? Please enlighten me if you know me so well, darling." She then sat up straight as she took a deep breath and slowly leaned forward and nearly whispered to me "Hugo.." I gasped sharply as my eyes widened after she had said the name I had wanted to forget in my past life.

I stomped up to her as I grabbed a hold of her and lifted her up. "Who are you and HOW do you know of that name?!" She grunted at my roughness on her as she spoke between breaths. "'s me....don't you..recognize me..?" I gave her a confused stare as I took in her features. The clothes she wore, her (s/c) skin glistening in light...

And her eyes...

I stared at her (e/c) orbs that reflected my visual image. It almost seemed like I could've been lost in them if I had stared for too long.

Why do her eyes remind me of...

"Hugi..." She whispered as she gave me the most pained expression even I couldn't comprehend. I had a look of complete shock come to my face as she said that.

That's impossible..!

The only person who used that nickname was...

I gasped suddenly as I dropped her, falling to the floor as she stumbled to sit back up. I took a few steps back fidgeting with my words. "That-that's..impossible! My beloved died, she PERISHED!" I yelled at her in disbelief. She shook her head as she said more. "No, she didn't! Because I'm that girl, Hugo! It's me, (Y/n)!"

I picked up the bottle from the floor and went up to her and simply replied, "Then prove it." "Wait, wha-" I sprayed her in the face with my pheromone bottle and began walking back. I could hear her coughs before she finally became silent. I placed the bottle back on my piano and folded my arms behind my back. I closed my eyes as I inhaled very deeply trying to calm my nerves down.

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