Pasts Unfold

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Y/N - your name
E/C - eye color
H/C - hair color
H/L - hair length
S/C - skin color
F/N - father's name
M/N - mother's name
(Keep in mind the reader is currently 8 yrs old! Now ON with the STORY!!)

(Y/n POV)

I placed my photo carefully in my bag and faced Liam again asking him "can we play another game??" He stood there with his arms crossed, humming at my request. I start pleading to him and even give him those big sad puppy eyes I wanted to try.


Liam groaned loud enough for me to hear and said aloud "Oh, can those (e/c) eyes get any bigger?" He chuckled, roughing up my hair a lot and ending with me shooing his hand away. "You're the best Liam!" Giving him a big hug with me earning one in return. "How can I say no to that adorableness? Plus, I'm sure you're just wanting to see more of my amazing high skills of playing carnival games." Breaking the hug I nodded at him. "You're probably right. So shall we go now, your highness?" I gave a snicker with his nickname I came up with. He took a bow and offered his arm for me to latch onto. "Indeed, we shall." We both hooked arms and began walking to find more games to play and possibly get me another prize.

"There!" I pointed at a game with a bunch of mutes surrounding it. We attempted to push through the crowd and managed to get a decent spot where we could see one of the rat staff hold up a megaphone and voiced out to the crowd "ladies and mutes! Step right up and try your luck at obtaining any of these magnificent prizes! My name is Shan-tay in case any of you haven't heard of me before!" I then hear a mute in the far back of us yell out "how do you PLAY?!!" Thank god someone asked. I get super nervous when speaking in front of a bunch of people. The rat Shan-tay smiled cheerily at the crowd and answered "I'm so glad you asked! This particular game requires your own style of dance skills! All you need to do to win is simply show off what you got and impress me with your amazing dance moves! And if I approve then you win a prize!" Everyone murmured to each other after he explained the rules to the game. From the looks of it almost no one wanted try it out; or perhaps most of them were just shy.

I wonder if I should try...

Pondering my idea I decided to do it. I tugged on Liam's arm and he brought his head down to me. I whispered to him "I'm gonna try and win that!" He gave a surprised look on his face followed by a concern one now. "You sure you want to? This game seems a bit more difficult than the others. Not only that but that rat himself will judge HARD on everyone even if they can't dance well he won't give out prizes to just anyone." Hearing this I gave him the most determined, direct look anyone can put and spoke confidently "I KNOW I can win this. Watch and learn, Liam." And with that I made my way past the crowd hearing Liam shout a good luck to me from afar and made it to the center of the circle. The crowd became quiet as they all stared at me, whispers being passed all around me. The rat named Shan-tay perked his head and approached me with a skip. "Finally, a volunteer! Tell me yo name girl!"

"Y/n." Shan-tay gave a whoop and faced the crowd "give it up for (y/n), everyone! YAAASSSSSSS!" The crowd of mutes all cheered for me, even Liam who was jumping with anticipation could be seen from the back. The rat brought my attention back as he went to the big stereos and pushed a button that started playing this upbeat song. Soon everyone started to clap in unison hyping me up. Shan-tay then hollered at me "ready when you are, hun!"

(Minutes later bc I'm lazy asf to write out everything but let's just say you were a-MAZING at dancing! You did flips, cartwheels, splits, pirouettes and grand jetés 😌)

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