Friend for a Mandrill

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Y/N - your name
E/C - eye color
H/C - hair color
H/L - hair length
S/C - skin color
(You all know your age by now ùwú)

(Two days later)

(Y/n's POV)

I knocked on the door of the Oaks. Holding my gift in hand I grew more nervous by the second.

I really hope they all like it

The door slid open and out came Lio greeting me with a smile. "(Y/n)! What brings you here?" I presented the gift to him. "I heard you took in a baby mandrill so I thought of making him a gift!" Lio took the gift, giving it a good examine. "Wow, you actually made this!? That's impressive, (y/n). Thank you! I'll be sure to give it to him." After putting the blanket under his arm Lio faced me. I heard from Mrs Potts you wanted to see if you can meet him?" I nodded, hoping he'll allow me to see him at least once. "Tomorrow is a good time to see him I believe. You down for it?" "Yes I am! Thanks so much, Lio!" I gave him a big hug making him laugh at my reaction. I let go and started to walk back to my place, waving to Lio. "Well, I'll see ya tomorrow then! Tell Song I said hi for me!" Lio waved back. "Will do, girl! See ya, then!"

(Lio's POV)

Locking the door behind me I started heading the lab to meet up with Song. Looking at the gift (y/n) handed to me I smiled deeply.

I'm sure Hugo will love this

Once I walked in to one of the learning rooms made for the animal testing I didn't see Hugo in here yet. Must be his bath time right now.

Oooh! This'll be a good time to hide (y/n)'s present!

Hmm...where should I hide it?

Noticing a movable silver cabinet in the corner of the room I walked to it and opened the middle drawer placing the blanket neatly in it and closing it back up. "There, safe and sound."

(20 minutes later)

"Hey, can you tell me what that says?" Staring at Hugo who had colored blocks I put in front of him spelling his name. Me and Song watched as Hugo began pointing at his name. I gasped thinking he might be starting to develop his intelligence already. Not until he grabbed the blocks and began tossing them aside, playing with them like as normally. I sighed disappointedly as I sat there watching Hugo play with the blocks. I really thought we were progressing things. Song sighed soon after looking at Hugo screech while holding two blocks in the air prancing around. She started writing on her clipboard. "No response to formula 124." The entrance door slid open to see Emilia walk through also holding her clipboard. "Status report on the mandrill?" Me and Song looked at Hugo for a few seconds until Song replied back. "No signs of mutation, yet." Hugo then ran into my arms.

Poor thing, he's probably scared of Emilia, heck I'd be too!

"We only have a few non-intelligent animals from the old world left. Our only other primate is the spider monkey." Emilia stated as she pointed at Hugo. "Increase the pace. I want him on two, three formulas a day." She claimed, writing more stuff down in her clipboard. She then gave a serious direct look at us. "We WILL be the ones who learn what made the animals mutate." She turned her body towards the door. "And then we will fix them. Understood?" Leaving us to do our jobs me and Song both looked at each other, clearly upset about this. I looked down Hugo still holding him. "Guess I've gotta give you some more formula, Hugo." My face saddened after saying that. "I'm sorry." Hugo then hopped off from me and ran to his bed. He seemed really worried and upset.

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