The Hidden Message

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(Y/n's POV)

It was a peaceful night in Timbercat Village, but the feeling I felt before whenever I was with Hugo stilled remained. That feeling of uneasiness, of being scared. I told Kipo this about how I sensed Emilia from the far distance of us, but she reminded me that she couldn't do anymore harm to us because they burned the book.

I really wanted to believe that she was finally stopped, but the back of my gut told me otherwise. So, as of right now I'm with everyone in the meeting room as we feast on pancakes. I stood next to Kipo and Lio as we look for a seat for the three of us.

I look ahead of me and see my lovable frog bestie silently enjoying his pancakes. A content smile shows on my face as I look around to spot for any seats for us. I hear Kipo sigh next to me as I look at her "Ugh, there's no more seats."

Realization suddenly hits us both in the back of our heads as we gasped "There's no more seats!" Kipo yelled excitedly as Lio elbowed her and gestured to me "Eh, you both did that. Now we have to eat on the floor." I shrugged my shoulders with a grin "And I don't mind that at all."

The room suddenly became quiet as everyone gasped and turned to see Yumyan walk down the steps holding what looks to be...ZANE??! Dahlia and Asher appear on each of his sides as Dahlia speaks up "He has a message." She said with a serious tone in her voice. "From Emilia." Yumyan finished as he struggled to hold the wiggling Zane.

I turn to Kipo tugging her arm "You see..?! This is what I was telling you about her..!" Whispering near her ear as she politely asked me to calm myself down which I did. Asher held up an arrow with a piece of paper jabbed into it as she looked at Zane in anger "Tell them what your note said."

I stared hard at Zane as we waited patiently for him to speak. He smirked at us "Please meet Emilia at the water treatment facility in three hours so she can cure you." Kipo looked confused at him "What? Why would I do that?" Dahlia held up Wolf's new weapon "He had this on him, Kipo." We both gasped in horror.

"Because we have your friends."

Emilia..took our friends...?

The sudden sound of a plate shattering startled me as I turn my attention to see it was Kipo's plate. She then starts running off outside as me and Lio tried to go after her. I yelled after her "Kipo, wait!" "You can't just run off to Emilia!" Lio yelled after. I look to my left to see Song notice our presence as she watched us closely.

Kipo then jumps off the tree as I cupped my hands to my mouth "Kipo, if you don't come up with a plan you could get hurt!" I turn to Lio "She won't listen to us.." he seemed worried and stared down at the ground. I look up behind me at Song as I pointed towards the direction Kipo ran to "Go talk some sense into her, Song!"

She nodded her head as she quickly ran off to catch up to her. I placed my hand on Lio's shoulder "Don't worry, Lio. We'll figure something out here. In the meantime I want you and Yumyan to lock up Zane in case he gives us more information about Emilia."

He nodded his head firmly and took off, but not before turning his head to face me "What about you?" I took a deep breath as I closed my eyes while massaging my forehead "I need a moment to calm down. I'll meet you guys when I'm cooled off, OK?" He gave me a thumbs up as he smiled and left me me alone.

I walked to a nearby tree and stared at it intensely, eyes burning as they switched to a glowing yellow, imagining it being Emilia's face as I grew my fur out and ferociously started clawing at it, ripping pieces of bark off and extended my fangs out as I bite hard on the wood and continuously rip off little by little until I was satisfied with the outcome.

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