A Very Potter Oneshot

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Feel free to skip if you're only here for the story, but I feel really bad about being a slow updater so take this as an apology, of sorts.

So recently I've ben re-reading the Harry Potter series (because quarantine has brought me there lmao) and I decided to do a little thing about how our lovely characters would fit into the Harry Potter universe. I'll do the gym leaders another time since this turned out to be quite fun to make!


House: Slytherin. She is willing to do anything to achieve her goals, even if it means people can get hurt (including herself!) or that the way she achieves them is less than perfect. She is definitely on the nice end of the Slytherin spectrum.

Quidditch Position: Seeker. She tends to work alone, although she definitely needs help from time to time.

Best/Favorite Subjects: Charms, Transfiguration, and DADA. She is a brilliant fighter, and because she gets into and makes problems so frequently with her friends she needed to learn how to get out of them.

Worst/Least Favorite Subjects: Herbology and potions. Her curry cooking skills are hit or miss, and when faced with the task of healing someone on the road she is more likely to use a pre-made potion or spell rather than trying to use medicinal herbs (although Hop does try to teach her)

Where they spend their free time: Gloria can be found on the quidditch pitch messing around with her friends, both on and off the ground. When she has to study, she will meet up with her friends in the library since they're in other houses. When it snows you can bet every last galleon that she's thrown at least one snowball at Hop.


House: Gryffindor. He's too brave and determined for his own good, and he will do anything to help his friends. As long as nobody close to him is getting hurt, that is. That's where him and Gloria differ.

Quidditch Position: Chaser, but is an aspiring seeker. Leon was the Gryffindor seeker during his time at Hogwarts, and went on to play professionally. Hop has a lot to live up to, but he does his best no matter what is thrown at him.

Best/Favorite Subjects: Care of Magical Creatures, Potions, and DADA. Hop loves going out and researching in the Forbidden Forest, often bringing Gloria along for the ride. He's even tried diving in the Black Lake, an act which earned him detention courtesy of Nessa.

Worst/Least Favorite Subjects: Transfiguration. In his opinion, things should stay as they were intended to be, since we're changing them back right after. He has been spotted transfiguring school to those of professional teams before the quidditch world cup so they could sneak into the better seats, so the true reason behind his dislike for the subject is likely the fact they transfigure living things into inanimate objects.

Where they spend their free time: Hop can almost always be found outside, whether that's in the Greenhouses, the forest, near the lake, or just sitting on a windowsill dangling his legs out the window. No matter what, he always watches Bede's and Gloria's quidditch matches (as long as he's not playing in them), and she does the same for him. 


House: Raging Ravenclaw. She is reserved, but quite strong. She is in this challenge for a purpose other than glory for herself. When she met Gloria, she formed an alliance rather than a feud (which is reason number 394 why Bede isn't in Ravenclaw), which benefitted both trainers long after their gym challenge ended.

Quidditch Position: Part of the crowd. She goes to support her friends, but she also strategizes with her house team because she is an excellent observer.

Best/Favorite Subjects: DADA, Astronomy, and Divination. Marnie is a self-proclaimed night owl, which makes astronomy one of the most enjoyable classes. It's quiet, peaceful, and she gets to be with her friends. Her quiet nature means she's a natural at divination, and it wouldn't be out of the ordinary to see her reading someone's palm in a common room. She is a fast learner, which makes charms and transfiguration rather easy, but neither of them provide the thrill of DADA. Its all-or-nothing nature drew her in like a moth to a flame. During her OWL interview, she notably said she'd apply for the DADA teaching position if given the chance.

Worst/Least Favorite Subjects: History of magic. It's definitely not her worst subject (because she and her brother are both highly intelligent and it isn't a hard class), but it bores her so much she ends up not paying attention and ends up borrowing Gloria's notes

Where they spend their free time: Marnie can be found with Gloria and Hop on Hogsmeade weekends, and with Hop, Bede, or Gloria in the stands of a weekend quidditch match. On her own, she can be found in the library curled up in the corner with a book on either clothing transfiguration or DADA spells. If she's in Hogsmeade, she can be found in the boutiques planning out her next shopping spree.


House: Hufflepuff, but could definitely pass for a Slytherin. Why, you may be thinking? Hufflepuffs are particularly good finders, and Bede was chosen to find the wishing stars. He's very stubborn, but once Opal humbled his ass up he is a lot softer than he used to be.

Quidditch Position: Beater. Bede is not very good at teamwork, but he is good at seeking out the bludgers among all the other distractions on the field. He also doesn't mind lobbing a bludger at people he doesn't like (although Opal gets after him for it)

Best/Favorite Subjects: Divination and Astronomy. He has a very focused mind, and since both subjects are geared towards FINDING and ACCOMPLISHING something rather than making something, they are right up his alley. Although he'd never admit that since, in his mind, they aren't very 'cool' subjects.

Worst/Least Favorite Subjects: Divination. Yes, divination is one of his favorite subjects. Opal teaches the class, and adopted him into the class when he got kicked out of his first choice elective (ancient runes, because he destroyed an artifact on accident)

Where they spend their free time: Bede can be found in the astronomy tower, where he hides out when skipping quidditch practice. He's naturally talented, so he feels less of a commitment to practice what he's good at. He's quite fond of butterbeer, so whenever he goes to Hogsmeade he can be seen enjoying a pint in the often cold weather while Gloria and Hop are having a snowball fight.

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