WIZARDS?! It's... actaully not that weird.

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For anyone who's come back to re-read: I finished editing this story, though I probably missed a ton of stuff. I tried to preserve any of your comments you may have already posted, but some of my older writing was atrocious so I had to change it.

Before You Dive In: This takes place after the battle of Hogwarts, so the majority of the 7th year has come back for another year at Hogwarts so they can actually learn (hopefully, though Harry and his gang always seem to mess that up)

Magnus and his friends have had about a week to chill after defeating Loki, and so far, no quest to save the nine worlds has come up (yet). The stories are exactly the same, except I brought back Snape because he's one of my favorites, fanfiction-wise. (In the books and movies he was a jerk)

Know that this story was written for fun and is not in many ways cannon. Also, many spelling mistakes. Sorry about that, but also I love the mess I've created. So now that's done,






"Overgrown Swedish Hamster!"

"Idiot woman!"

I was sitting at a cafe table, struggling with my Norse vocabulary as TJ, Halfborn, and Mallory tutored me. I'll admit, I was kind of regretting letting Halfborn and Mallory come along as they had been arguing nonstop for the past hour, not helping at all (except for teaching me a few new Norse curse words, which in my opinion, totally counts). I don't even know what they are arguing about at this point. I think they're just seeing who can be louder.

TJ was too busy telling me how to correctly say the word "mature" to stop them.

Finally, the arguing got loud enough to earn some weird looks from some other people in the cafe, and TJ shushed them. "If you're gonna kill each other, at least go back to Valhalla to do it so you don't miss meeting Annabeth". Sam had been talking nonstop for a week about meeting Annabeth and telling her all of my Beantown moments. I think she might die if Annabeth is late. Well, figuratively die. Although I wouldn't say no to a sane hallmate for once. (Kidding! sheesh...)

I finally got the pronunciation of Seidr and Daudi right, and we finally could order some ice cream. (although why I learned the words for magic and death together, I don't really want to know). I got strawberry, which was great until Mallory 'accidentally' knocked it out of my hands with a knife after I insulted her very plain choice of very plain Vanilla.

-------Time leaping, leaping to Valhalla! :) I think my name will be Phil, in memory of Phil the potato. Or Fred, you decide----- (From the future- It's Fred, sorry potato lovers)

We got home with 10 minutes to spare, greeted by a stressed-looking Sam and a bored-looking Alex.

"She and her" Alex said before anyone else could start. Of course, I already knew that, being the Swagnus Magnus that I am. Wow, Alex looked really good today. Her green jeans, pink converse, and pink tank top were mostly the same thing Alex wore every day, but today... I tried to restrain the goofy smile Alex brings to my face whenever I see her. Keyword: tried. Stop being distracted by how awesome Alex is, focus. What was going on?

"What took you guys so long?" Sam asked, as she paced around our breakfast table, almost making me dizzy. "She'll be here soon! She has super important news that you can't miss, Magnus." Mallory reached out and squeezed her shoulder gently to try and calm her nerves, which was a big risk seeing as Sam wasn't a very touchy person, but she didn't break Mallory's arm so it must have worked.

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