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Not for the fist time, couldn't find a good meme so..

Oh and just for an update on the timeline, it's Christmas break and most people are home for the holidays. I know it probably doesn't make sense but let's pretend that it does :)



As I crush another three telkines under a giant duck, I breathe heavily. I guess there was a pack of them in the mountains and they smelled all the demigods here.

I glance at Hearth who looks like he's about to pass out. After making sure all the murderous dog seal things are dead, I help him sit down on a tree stump.

You ok?  I sign, and he's still catching his breath as he lifts his hands.

Yeah, he signed tiredly. I miss the giants. When I look at him curiously he simply signs, They were bigger targets.

I chuckle and pick up my axes and ducks, which were all lying on top of neat piles of dust. Hearth has a streak of red on one arm and I can already tell somethings wrong with my left ankle.

It reminded me of when it was just me and Hearth, before Mimir and Magnus and Vahalla. Before our lives got more than slightly ridiculous, and we went on crazy life-threatening adventures to save the world every other day.

Wow, I really needed to get out more.

I help him up and we stumbled to the castle. We make it to the great hall, where everyone's probably having Lunch, right? Wrong.



"Oh we're so going to be late," my best friend Al said, very helpfully. We were speedwalking to Herbology to finish a project that was due today. We are not going to finish today, but showing up won't hurt our grades.

I literally ran into her as she stopped midstride. I was about to ask her what was wrong when she held a hand to my mouth. I licked it to get her off, and she wiped it on me. We both glared at each other before peering out the small holes I made a while ago into the corridor, where two figures were sprawled on the ground.

"Oof," Snape fell to the ground, groaning as the boy next to him stood up. It was Magnus. Even if I was over my feelings for him, I couldn't help notice the cute way his hair curled when he had bedhead. Which is odd because it was nearly lunchtime.

"Sorry Sev," Magnus apologized as he helped Snape up. "Why did you leave? Is Alex ok? Is Annabeth ok? Did Ron run away? Is anyone hurt?" his questions tumbled out of his mouth in a panicked rush.

Since when does anyone call him Sev? And not get disintegrated? Must be a Magnus thing.

Snape looked at Magnus, making him stop his flow of worrying questions, "Beside's you? He put the full body bind curse on most of them, probably so they were still conscious when he killed them. Annabeth got hit by a stunning spell but she'll be fine. From what I know Alex is fine and with Annabeth," Snape said quickly in his usual monotone.

I looked at Al's wide eyes, having a silent conversation in the dark. I put a finger to my lips and she rolled her eyes as if thinking 'I never would have guessed to stay quiet while eavesdropping'.

I sent a glare back at her to make her stop shuffling around. We both paid more attention as their voices lowered.

"I think I know what Annabeth was going to do, I mean before Harry hit her," he said, and I blanched. Harry hit Annabeth? He must mean with a spell.

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