Don't be suspicious

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"You shall be saved by those who have experienced death. You shall fight them and win, to their very last breath. When all seems lost and all seems hopeless, then will the truth show, along with the shapeless."

Lavender and Parvati gasped, looking at me with horror. I just looked at her as Ron stifled a laugh.

We were in Divination and Professor Trelawney was giving her usual creepy speech about how something terrible will happen to me. Wait, did she say I'll be saved? That's new.

Ron had been much nicer ever since the Americans had left on their trip. He actually apologized to me and Hermione. Hermione is happy he's back to normal, and I am too. I mean my other friends are great, but I didn't realize just how much I missed Ron until he was gone. I just hope he apologizes to the group when they get back from their school thing.

"At least we know the teachers are the same. McGonagall's still strict, Snape's still a jerk, and Trelawny's still an old hoot," Ron says sarcastically as we walk towards our Potions class.

Potions class had become not that bad recently since Professor Slughorn had been filling in for Snape. We had actually learned a lot in his absence and I almost enjoyed the class.

"Well she didn't predict my death this time, so that's something. I wonder if it might actually be a prophecy. She went into that trance thing she did when she spoke the one about Voldemort," I said, a little wary of her words still.

"Harry, are you honestly going to believe that, that woman?" Hermione says, obviously thinking of another word for the professor as she walked up next to us with a scowl.

"Well just because most of what she says is rubbish, she was the one who spoke my prophecy in the first place. And it turned out to be true," I point out. "And it rhymed. Real prophecies rhyme and talk in riddles. Every magical fiction book says so." Hermione nodded reluctantly, but Ron looks at me like I'm crazy.

"Fine, I'll pretend for your sake, Harry. What did the prophecy say?" Hermione says, obviously not convinced.

"It says, 'You shall be saved by those who have experienced death. You shall fight them and win, to their very last breath. When all seems lost and all seems hopeless, then will the truth show, along with the shapeless'. I don't know Hermione, it was just like when she talked to me before. I think it's real," I say worriedly.

"How about we ask McGonagall. We should tell her about it anyway if it maybe might be real," she says, a little nervously as she thinks about it.

"But what does it mean if it is real?" Ron asks. Hermione and I don't say anything, I think we're both avoiding the answer to that question for now.

We walk into Potions and sit at our usual table, still discussing in low tones.

"Well, let's write it down first. Then we can try to decipher each line," Hermione says logically. She does, leaving space between each line of the prophecy.

"So the first part, 'You shall be saved by those who have experienced death'. Maybe a ghost?" She says, tapping the end of the quill to her chin.

"It could also mean Harry though, right?" Ron asks, "I mean, you bloody died and came back mate, and there aren't many ghosts who can do much saving." I nod, thinking about it.

"But it says those, which implies more than one," Hermione points out, "Maybe this has to do with the Americans? Is it possible one of them has died and come back? We know it's possible, Harry's living proof."

At the mention of the Americans, Ron's eye twitched and his face went slack, but after a second he shook his head as if confused, and nodded along with me. If I hadn't been looking at Ron I wouldn't have noticed it.

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