Double Secret Agent Alex

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"So you're sure it's like a magic listening device? On all my stuff? That's kind of stalker-y" Alex (she/her) said, looking skeptical.

"Yeah," I answered, "I looked up the flower we found at the bottom of your bag in the restricted section of the library with my Yankees hat. Only Hermione would be clever enough to find the potion, and smart enough to put it together. I don't think most of the teachers here could have done it. It's extremely complicated, but possible."

We were out on the grounds by the Lake, trying to decide how to deal with this obvious problem of a magic microphone in our room. More specifically, on all of Alex's stuff, besides the clothes she was wearing now which were from her bag in the boy's dorm.

"Well it's on to your other clothes, right? So why don't we let her listen?" Mallory suggested.

"Umm, you know that's kind of the opposite of what we should do. I mean we know about it so why don't we destroy them or buy new clothes?" Alex asked.

"If we do either of those things, Hermione will know that we knew about it. She probably did it to prove to Ron that we aren't suspicious. Or maybe she thinks so herself and is trying to see what we're hiding. Either way, we should just pretend we don't know anything about it and use that to our advantage, saying not suspicious things," I try to explain.

Alex stretches her long arms, which were covered in green flannel today. She stood up and leaned against a nearby tree, looking at us with a grin.

"Oh yeah, this'll be fun. I can insult Ron on a whole other level," she said and Mallory rolled her eyes.

"Of course that's what you're doing Fierro. Just be glad that we have a genius of our own who figured it out. I'm hungry, let's go eat," Mallory said, standing up and walking off towards the castle.

"Yeah, come on brainiac, Halfborn dared me to try a tomato soup-carrot-pumpkin juice smoothie," Alex said before following Mallory. I sigh, that's not going to end well. Better catch up before she accidentally eats something magical and explodes.

---Time skip, Fred is watching as Annabeth tries to accomplish her goal. Keyword tries; Alex successfully does not explode, but does throw up when she eats the vile mixture. To the end of the day!---

"Alrighty, here we go," Alex exaggeratedly says as she walks down the stairs in her magically bugged shirt. I see Hermione put on a poker face as she watches carefully from behind her wall of books.

We walk down to dinner, talking about random stuff, Alex making a point to insult (Ron and others) freely, with a manic smile as she does so, knowing that Hermione is listening. We were so caught up in saying ridiculous things that we didn't notice TJ jogging through the hall.

"Hey Annabeth, I brought the stuff. Ready?" he asks.

Alex and I exchanged a glance, we completely forgot about the call with Sam today, and now Alex was wearing a bugged shirt from an already suspicious girl. But we couldn't cancel the call, this was one of the only times Sam was free to talk while her grandparents were away visiting family. I guess we just have to be careful.

"Come on, we gotta make the call soon or we'll miss her," I say and we all walk out of the Great Hall. We make it to the Room of Requirement, and sit down in the many comfy armchairs scattered around the place.

Halfborn and Mallory finally got over a whole day of not speaking, and are back to insulting each other to no end, but less loudly than usual. That's always a good sign.

Alex walks over to the green chair Magnus is sitting in and without any hesitation, sits down in his lap, lounging comfortably as Magnus's face goes as red as Hephestus's forge.

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