The Burrow (I think it's a Metaphor?)

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I just finished rewatching the first season of the Mandolin. Explanation for the above meme.  Also, I still imagine George doing this, to cheer himself up from time to time. Also also, I'm kinda new to Wattpad so I didn't really understand what the votes were for (I had to look it up). Soo... vote for me? Idk. Thanks for sticking around.

On to the story!



I was sitting outside the hotel, waiting for Annabeth to get there. I was getting slightly nervous because we only had 10 minutes until the wizard was supposed to get here. And she tells us not to be late?

I was sitting with Alex (she/her), who took my hand as we waited, making my left foot glow with a soft light. Whenever I feel really really happy, I start to glow. I've gotten better at keeping the light at bay, but sometimes I can't help it, and I would never tell Alex about it or she might actually tease me to death. Not a death I'm willing to try.

Mallory and Halfborn were sitting at the other end of the table (arguing, in a loving sort of way) while TJ talked with Helgi and Hunding. All three of them were trying to fill out pages of papers about how we might die in many painful ways.

A car horn shook me from my thoughts as a large white van approached us. It had Delphi Strawberry Service in big black letters on the side of it, and sitting in the passenger seat was Annabeth, who seemed to glitter in the bright sunlight. Then I realized she was covered in a thin layer of golden dust, which fell off in waves as she stepped out.

I remembered her once saying that when Greek monsters are killed, they explode into golden dust. Which, although it sounds weird, would be much appreciated to the number of bloody monster corpses I've had to drag, smell, and be in the general vicinity of. Let's just say, not fun times.

"So that's why you're late. I was beginning to think you forgot," I joked, which made her grin as she hugged me.

"I would never. Thanks, Argus," I was confused for a second, thinking she had forgotten my name when a large man (presumably the driver) stepped out from behind the van holding a suitcase. I was surprised I hadn't noticed him before because he had blue eyes all over his body. It took a second to accept it, but it's not the weirdest thing I've seen. He just grunted and nodded at Annabeth before starting the van and driving away.

Everyone finished saying hello to Annabeth, just as TJ walked over, looking tired. "I swear, every possible way of dying is listed on those stupid contracts," he said, shaking Annabeth's hand. Suddenly, there was a short pop sound, and a figure appeared in front of us.

She looked in charge, wise, and very strict. She was wearing a fancy long emerald green bathrobe, with a matching black hat, and black ankle boots. At her side, she held a long stick (a wand, I guessed). Her greyish brown hair was pulled back in a tight bun, and sitting on her nose were a pair of square-rimmed spectacles.

She looked at us curiously, "Are you the exchange students?" she asked briskly. I momentarily wondered what she would do if we weren't.

"Yes. Are you Professor McGonagall? We're all ready." I nodded with the others, but I didn't really know how we were going to get from Boston to England in a day. Why did we meet here, and not at an airport?

"Alright. Everyone's here? Get your stuff and hold on, really tight," she said, putting her stick in a pocket inside her robe. She waited for us to get all our bags, and hold on to her arms (really tight, I was scared of this lady). She looked around to check that everyone was there, and with a murmur of words that I couldn't discern, we jumped into nothingness.

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