Potions and Lies

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Once again, I found myself in a disgusting bathroom with a moaning, sobbing, dead neighbor two stalls down. I really wish there was a better place, but this was one of the more private spots in the school.

I laid the book flat on the toilet seat, listing off the ingredients to Harry and Ginny, who had agreed to help. Both were a little hesitant, but their curiosity won out.

"That's a lot of stuff. I don't think Snape will fall for the 'I'm Hermione and I never get in trouble' act another time. He knows us too well," Harry said glumly.

"I'll do it," Ginny offered with a shrug as if sneaking into Snape's office was no biggie.

"No, Ginny. It's too dangerous," Harry said worriedly.

"Don't give me that crap Harry. I'm just as capable as you or anyone else. And in any case it's just logic. I'm off the radar in Snape's mind other than being a Weasley and the only horrible thing I've gotten caught doing was when I was possessed by a powerful evil wizard. So I'll do it," she said with finality, almost daring her boyfriend to disagree.

Harry didn't look pleased but nodded.

"You only have to get these five ingredients. The rest I can easily take from the student cupboard. There's only one thing that's only in the greenhouses, Harry you'll need to get that next time you're there. It's the most important ingredient though so be quick, but don't blow yourself up," I said, copying down the list on a separate scroll.

"Blow myself up? What does this potion do exactly?" Harry asked tentatively.

"As I've already told you, it will allow us to listen to every word they say, all the time. The only wild card is if they find out we did something, then they can just avoid it or replace the stuff that's been messed with. Annabeth might be smart enough to figure out what," I bit my lip, thinking about the chances, but they were mostly in our favor. About 86%. Maybe 82.

"Do we just pour it onto Alex's stuff though? Won't it get wet and smelly?" Ginny asked, leaning her back against the stall door.

"No. This potion is actually very clever. Whoever made it must have been a genius. It says, 'when the potion is finished, splash ¾ of it over the subject's daily possessions. It is odorless and dries within minutes. The only indicator to there being a spell will be the black leaf of a Shrivelfig, which can be hidden nearby or beneath the target or targets. Pour the remnants of the liquid into the scarab shell, this will be your magical connection. Put the shell to your ear, and you will hear everything your enemy has to say!'. It's just what we need," I finish, looking up at them.

"Yeah, I agree," Ginny said nodding, " It's just a precaution, and they won't know about it so no harm done, right?"

Harry still looked unconvinced, "But listening to everything they say? That's a huge invasion of privacy, and I still think they're just normal kids trying to survive the school year."

"Harry. When have you ever cared about someone's privacy? That's my job, you're usually the one to charge in headfirst without looking. Anyways, good luck. I have to get to Arithmancy."

As I left, I smiled. It was just like old times, brewing potions in secret, sneaking about, solving mysteries, and hopefully helping people.

The smile disappeared however when I reached the classroom and sat down. I may like most classes, but this one was truly awful. An hour and a half of torture, but this class led to a lot of job opportunities so it was more worth it to take the class than skip out.

---Fred warmed up some popcorn (from river Styx, don't ask me why or how) and is watching his favorite family show he likes to call 'Oh no, they're sus and so are we' staring wizards and demigods. Commercial break to dinner---

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