Misread Situations

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(Sorry if the terminology for the Canadians is wrong, I haven't read the second one in a while)




Brilliant. I've only read about these monsters, the man-eating cannibals usually found in Canada. But why were they here?

I glanced at the doorway where Harry, Ron, and Hermione stood frozen as they watched the leader hold up a large metal ball and set it on fire.

Luna had her backup dagger, and I grabbed two nearby butter knives. We both took defensive positions and faced the 20-foot tall monsters.

Ginny and Neville took our lead and held up their wands, although (from experience) I already know that spells do nothing against greek monsters except annoy them or mildly affect them in the smaller creatures. These were not in that category.

The teacher's barrage of spells was doing nothing. I looked at Luna and she nodded. Together, like a well-oiled machine, we attacked.

We moved together to the one holding the flaming cannonball. I sliced up his feet then jumped back as he stumbled, then broke into dust as Luna stabbed him from the back.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Annabeth and Magnus race into the room, jumping into action as the cannibals fought back.

"Draco!" I turned to the sound of Luna's voice as a descending shadow of gleaming metal came down on me. I quickly dropped to the floor and rolled away, hoping it was far enough.


The stone floor next to my head crumbled, the debris and dust raining down on my face and probably turning my blonde hair grey. I quickly stood up and saw Luna fighting one on one with a giant. I moved to help her, but she turned towards the noise of me running, and the giant backhanded her across the room.

I was sucked into another fight as I helplessly watched Luna crumple to the ground. I had to remind myself that I wasn't any use to her dead.

The giant grinned as I misstepped and stumbled over his hairy, bare, foot. I fell on my butt and tried to surry away but he put a foot on my chest and leaned over me, close enough that I could recognize his rotten breath, which smelled like he had gargled onions and garbage this morning.

He raised his club but froze, shuddered, and went limp. At the last second, I remembered my training, tumbling away just before the dead monster fell onto the stone, shattering to dust on impact.

Magnus stood there, holding Jack and looking around. All the monsters were dead, but the Great Hall was covered in swirling yellow dust and shocked wizards staring at us.

"Magnus," I said, pausing to cough from all the dust, "Luna-" he cut me off.

"She's fine, she broke an ankle, but Annabeth's getting her some ambrosia right now. She'll be fine," he reassured me. I nodded, standing up with his help.

The rest of the monsters lay in heaps of dust around the room. The doors to the Great Hall were barricaded closed, and the other demigods in the room were huddled around Annabeth and Luna, talking in hushed whispers.

I saw Hermione and Harry join the three teachers by their table, everyone else muttering to their friends as we made our way over to where Luna was lying on the floor.

"What do we do?" Magnus asked a bit anxiously as I knelt next to Luna and silently asked her with my eyes if she was alright. I let out a breath I hadn't known I'd been holding as she nodded.

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