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I was sitting at breakfast, enjoying a perfectly good bagel, when a rude hand snatched it out of mine. "Mmmm. I'm starving." Alex said while I pouted at her.

"Hey!" I said indignantly, "That was my bagel!"

"Not anymore," she replied. "Well, we should probably go over our letters and such so Magnus doesn't blow our cover." I just rolled my eyes and got up to get another bagel from the counter.

We had been waiting for Alex to get here so we could all look at our letters as a group. Also, I would never! (Yeah, we all know that's a lie)

When everyone was at our table, TJ said he'd go first, so he ripped open his weird letter like a child on Christmas morning. Three papers fell out, looking thick and important, with fancy cursive written on them. Tree killers.

He picked up the first one and read aloud.

"Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry Headmistress: Minerva Mcgonagall

Dear Thomas Jefferson Jr.,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment. Term begins on September 1. We await your owl by no later than July 31.

Yours sincerely,

Severus Snape, Deputy Headmaster". Is it just me, or does that name sound very... slimy isn't usually a word I'd use to describe a name but that's all I could come up with. But we dont' choose our names, so maybe he was alright.

TJ picked up the second one.

"Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

UNIFORM 7th-year students will require: (I'm lazy, and you probably don't want to read their book list and equipment, and it's basically the same as first-year but higher-level stuff. Moving swiftly on...)

He read down the list of supplies and uniforms and all that, but when he got to the line: "Students may also bring an owl or a cat or a toad" Alex grinned.

"An owl, cat, or toad? Oh well, I got a Magnus, so I'm all set". Everyone started laughing, and I felt blood rush to my cheeks, which only made them laugh harder.

After TJ was done laughing at me, he picked up the last paper and started to read.

"To the einherjar of Valhalla: Thank you for agreeing to help us get our stuff back," Yeah. I thought sarcastically. Because we willingly agreed to that out of the kindness of our hearts. "It has recently come to our attention where some of these items are, which is why you are attending this school. So here is our list of magical items that must be reclaimed before the end of this year. Because, reasons:

The Mirror of Sif - May be found in a room called The Room of Requirement, which can only be accessed by magical means

The Mirror of Sif - May be found in a room called The Room of Requirement, which can only be accessed by magical means

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