Hello there. This is not a new chapter so apologies. I'm here to explain why I don't update this story often like I used to. So please bear with me.
I have written drafts for the upcoming chapters that I'm planning to update but I guess I'm just having another episode of writer's block. It's just everytime whenever I would continue writing any of the chapters, I just type one or two words and that's it and call it a day.
It may look like I'm lazy or something like that but probably I kinda lost my motivation to write this story... cause it's been sooo long since the last update.
Again, please bear with me.
Also, I've been super busy with schoolwork especially for the upcoming two months (Febuary and March) since I'm about to graduate soon so I need to focus on my schoolwork and pass important projects since I've been slacking off a bit and there are times I would just avoid doing some of my schoolwork for a day or two and procrastinate here and there. And I haven't been doing well lately. Though I am trying my best.
Another thing that I haven't updated much lately is because of my mental health... and maybe also because of my emotional health. Recently, I have been noticing some changes like my sleep schedule, my eating habits and the like. I don't get much sleep or I don't get to sleep at all cause of the amount of piled up homework that I have to submit and the amount of stress and pressure that I've been feeling lately is effecting my health. I've been having a lot of mental breakdowns very often almost everyday and I would just rest as much as I can.
Also two months ago, I was going through a painful break up and it's been a bit hard for me to move on and I'm still in the healing process so it's been a rollercoaster so far. Still okay though (I guess).
While not updating much on this story or on Wattpad, I have been reading all of the comments and other notifications... and up until now, there are still negative comments posted here and there which also made me feel more unmotivated to continue writing this story. I still remember that one night when I'm too close to delete or unpublish this story. But I stopped myself from doing that and just leave things be for a while.
In general, the things that's been happening to me lately made me feel very unmotivated, stressed out and pressured.
Don't get me wrong, I still love writing this story and all, and I know you guys are still waiting for the long waited amount of updates that you want to read so badly but I hope you guys can just wait a bit longer until I completely fix myself up. I've been a total mess lately haha.
Please bear with me. I hope you guys understand and wait just for a bit longer. It's okay if you're not willing to wait and just ignore this story. I still appreciate for your time reading this story. (If there are still people reading this story that is haha)
If I do find time and when I do find the motivation to write this story, I'll try my best to write the chapters that are (hopefully) worth the wait. I have a lot planned chapters that I also want to update but they'll have to wait for a bit. I'm also planning to make some changes and edit this story (especially the outfit choices I made for this story - I was 16 and I realized that I have terrible fashion sense/style back then and I'm almost getting tired and irritated of reading the comments mainly about the outfits. Again, I was freaking 16) And also, I have to read everything from top to bottom (without cringing haha) so I'll catch up/ keep some things in mind for the updated chapters cause I kept on forgetting a lot of details that I have written before and I ended up make some details confusing to you guys.
Overall, expect some changes and a lot of editing in this story very soon!
I hope you're doing okay lately despite our current situation.
I don't know when I'll be back but we'll just have to wait and see.
My main goal is to pass and get school over with, graduate and find time to heal and fix myself.
Anyway, that's all. See you soon!

[AOT] Attack on Titan Various x Reader-High School Life (Modern! AU)
Fanfiction(Y/n) (L/n) is not your average girl. She is the daughter of a famous fashion designer (a.k.a her mom) and a popular, best-selling author (a.k.a her dad). And she is known as an inspiring role model for teenage girls around the world. ...