❇️Chapter 41: School's Play Project (Part 3)❇️

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Note: Play the music once you see this: 🎶
By the way, I know this is not from Cinderella but I just want to mix things a bit, make a few changes and I just love the song. Anyways, enjoy!


"Cinderella? Cinderella, where are you?!" Madison called out.

We are practicing some scenes and we've been very busy for the past days. I come out from the other side of the stage and walk towards Madison.

"Yes stepmother?" I asked.


"Will you get the door?"

"Yes stepmother." Then I walk to the 'door' and open it. Bertholdt cleared out his throat and pulls out an envelope from his messenger bag.

"Hello miss. In the name of the king, you are invited to the royal ball this evening." He hand me the envelope .

"Thank you." I said before closing the door.

"From the king! What does it say, Cinderelly?" Sasha asked.

"Yeah, what does it say?" Connie repeated Sasha's question.

"I don't know. But we'll find out soon." I said, before walking back to Madison for the next scene.

"Excuse me, stepmother?" I said.

She rolled her eyes. "What is it now, Cinderella?"

"We just received a letter from the palace." I said, showing the envelope.

"From the palace!" Lindsay and Britney said in unison and they both fight for the envelope.

"Give it to me !" Lindsay yelled.

"Girls! I'll read it." Madison grabs the envelope from Lindsay's hand and opens the envelope.

"An invitation from the king and you are invited to attend the royal ball in honoring his majesty, the prince and tonight by royal command, every eligible maiden is allowed to attend."

I let out a gasp. "That means I can go too."

Lindsay and Britney laugh and make fun of me.

"You dancing with the prince? Don't be ridiculous." Lindsay said and continues laughing

"What are you going to? Sweep the floors and do his laundry?" Britney said before letting out a loud (and obnoxious) laugh.

"Well why wouldn't I be? After all, I'm still part of the family. And it says; By royal command, every eligible maiden is allowed to attend." I said with a brave face.

"Hmm. Yes, so it does. Well, perhaps you can come with us to the ball once you have done all of your chores and if you could find something to wear."

"Oh, I'll do my best. Thank you stepmother." I said before leaving the stage and walk to the other side as I watch Madison, Lindsay and Britney doing their scene.

"Mother! Did you realize what you just said?!" Lindsay exclaimed.

"She can't come with us!" Britney whined.

"Calm down girls. I said... if." Madison let out a maniacal laugh.

"Then lights out and... scene!" Miss Jenny said and told us that we're going to take a 10 minute break.

"You did great (Y/n)." said Sasha as she hand me a water bottle.

"Thanks." I open the bottle cap and take a sip.

"Cinderella? More like Cinder-loser!" Madison said and walk past by me.

"She's getting on my nerves." Connie said and we watch her throwing the envelope to Bertholdt instead of giving it to him 'nicely' and she continues walking away.

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