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Sasha and I finally arrived back at my house and we enter.

"Wow, you have halloween decorations ready." Sasha said, looking around. "But what about the front yard? "

"Oh, they'll do that later. " I said.

"(Y/n)? Are you home? " My mom called out.

"Yeah mom."

She entered the living room, carrying a box of Halloween decorations.

"How's shopping? Did you find a costume?" She asked.

"Yeah, I even bought a costume for (dog/name). Oh and mom, will it be okay for Sasha to stay here for a while?"

"Sure, it's totally fine. " Mom said. "You two get some rest and then get yourselves ready for your party now."

"Okay mom. " Then we head upstairs to my room.

I close the door and put my shopping bags onto my bed. I call out for (dog/name) and I saw her popping out under the bed. Then she jump on the bed and stay still.

We sat down and Sasha plays with (dog/name) for a while.

"What time we need to go to the party?" I asked Sasha.

"Around 6:00 but we can leave the house by 5:30 since Christa's house is a little bit far away. " She answered.

"Hey, how about we'll put the costume on (dog/name)?" I suggested as I pull out the costume.

"Yeah!" Then she holds (dog/name) still as I slowly put her costume on. I thought she's gonna move around but she just behaves.

Once I finished, I admire (dog/name) for a while. She looks so adorable in her costume.

"Aww, she looks so cute!" Sasha squealed

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"Aww, she looks so cute!" Sasha squealed.

"She is a cutie cookie." I said as I took a picture of her.

Then for the remaining time, we relax and chat to kill time.


It's around 4:50 already and I guess it's time to get ready.

I told Sasha to change into her costume and she goes in the bathroom. While Sasha gets dressed, I prepare some makeup on the table and my shoes. I chose snowy white flat shoes to match the costume.

"Okay, I'm ready!" Sasha said, heading out of the bathroom. She looks like... a bag of popcorn. Except it looks more casual.

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